Get a visual look at what has frightened Americans in the 21st century.
Category Archives: Facing Fear
The Power of Expressing Yourself
Could talking about your fears actually lessen them? Find out what the research says.
Facing Your Fear
Ava Norman describes how she overcame her greatest fear by embracing it.
Phobias and Irrational Fears
While everyone experiences fears, some have a particularly hard time dealing with them. Skim the text to find out why, as well as ways to overcome those that are most interesting to you.
The Marvelous, Misunderstood Life of Common Spiders
They’re helpful creatures that mostly keep to themselves, but spiders still inspire terror in many people.
How can I overcome my fear of public speaking?
Are you nervous when you have to speak in front of your class? Check out some tips on how to conquer this common fear.
Woman With No Fear Intrigues Scientists
Read about a rare genetic condition which causes calcium deposits to build in the part of the brain which is responsible for the fear response, rendering it useless.
Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection
Rather than being taught to be brave risk-takers, Reshma Saujani argues girls are taught to avoid risk and failure. Do you agree with her claim?
Is Fear Contagious
Fear may be able to spread from person to person— just like a virus.
Teens are Protesting In-Class Presentations
Some students fear speaking in front of the class because of higher levels of anxiety and want other options from their teachers.
Peer-pressure fears make teens dance to same tune
Why do you love the songs you love? In some cases, the cause might be concern about whether your friends like the same songs.
The Real Reason That Going to the Doctor Gives You Anxiety
Even if you’re not part of the 3 percent of the population considered to have iatrophobia—the fear of doctors—you may get nervous thinking about your annual checkup. Here are some ways to manage that fear.
Migraine headaches can be frightening as well as painful. While there is no cure for them, scientists are finding new ways to manage them.
Here’s the Science Behind the World’s Rarest and Weirdest Phobias
While it makes sense that people would fear heights or venomous creatures, some phobias seem downright bizarre.
What Is Cliff Diving?
Learn about how athletes in this extreme sport train and overcome their fear.
How to Not Be Scared of a New School
Starting middle school can be pretty intimidating, and if you feel scared on the first day, you’re not alone. Here are some tips to help you get past the jitters and find your place.
How to Conquer Your Most Common Fears
You probably have good reasons for some of the things that scare you, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying life.
Dr. Maya Angelou on Overcoming Fear
In this interview, the poet who wrote “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me” talks about what does frighten her—not much!
10 Signs That You Might Have Fear of Failure
No one likes to fail, but fear of failure can be overcome. Read why people might fear failure and what they can do to conquer it.
How your worst fears stack up against reality
Why do people generally consider flying more dangerous than driving, when far more people are killed in car crashes than airline disasters? An Australian analysis of summertime fears helps you understand your own worries.