An effective vaccine is a crucial element in the return to normalcy following the outbreak of COVID-19. But how far should researchers go in the effort to speed up development?
Category Archives: Taking Risks
A day in the life of one emergency doctor in a New York hospital during coronavirus
During a pandemic, simply going to work is a big risk for medical professionals. Read one doctor’s story.
The Case for Staying in Your Comfort Zone
Writer Samantha Cole weighs the pros and cons of staying in your comfort zone, the premise of Meghan Daums’s book, The Unspeakable: And Other Subjects of Discussion.
The 10 Most Dangerous Jobs and How Much They Pay
A study found that jobs that pose high risks of injury or death don’t often have a high wage to match.
Running the risk: why experience matters when making decisions
Psychologist Ben Newell explains how previous experience affects risky decisions.
Yes, People Can Edit The Genome In Their Garage. Can They Be Regulated?
This article outlines both the risky and the thoughtful genetic research currently happening outside federal regulations.
The Kids (Who Use Tech) Seem to Be All Right
The effect of technology use on teenagers’ moods and behaviors is a widely-debated issue. But what are the risks of screen time? This article points to a study that attempts to set the record straight.
As Cars Get Safer, Drivers Take More Risks
Read how having technology that makes cars safer sometimes makes drivers less attentive to the road.
The Calculus of Risk
According to author Mark Jenkins, modern adventure is safer than you think—once you know the difference between legitimate danger and irrational fear.
Why Are We Addicted To Extreme Sports?
This video explains the relationship between the risk/reward sections of the brain, how dopamine factors into people wanting to take outrageous risks, and the benefits of taking risks every day.
Grand Canyon Stunts Over the Years
Read about the death-defying spectacles performed by thrill seekers in and around the popular national park throughout history.
From A Risky Spacewalk To The Top of Mount Everest
Retired astronaut Scott Parazynski reflects on his life’s adventures.
The real risks of artificial intelligence
Science jouranlist Bianca Nogrady argues that we shouldn’t worry about AI taking over, but about AI solving problems incorrectly.
When a city feels good, people take more risks
A recent study from McGill University shows that local events, such as a win by a sports team, can effect the overall mood of a city’s citizens. Read how this then increases risk-taking behavior.
Do Women Take as Many Risks as Men?
Author Doug Sundheim was surprised when he realized his book, Taking Smart Risks, included far fewer stories about women. In this article he investigates how that happened.
Pharrell Williams on How Taking Risks Can Lead to the Biggest Successes of Your Career
Hip hop artist and producer Pharrell talks about creating his biggest hit song, “Happy.”
Researchers to Release Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes in Africa for First Time
This article explain the intended benefit of releasing genetically-modified mosquitoes into the country of Burkina Faso.
Is Football Worth Gambling With High School And College Players’ Brains?
Journalist Tara Haelle examines data on the health risks of football and weighs the risks of playing at a young age.
Teens aren’t just risk machines – there’s a method to their madness
Psychologists from the University of Oregon argue that teenagers don’t take risks irrationaly, but as part of a process of learning and exploration.
Taking risks in pursuit of innovation is good. So is preparing for it
Harvard professor and pediatric surgeon Christopher Hartnick argues that one should practice and prepare before taking on risks.