Studies have shown how materialism, loneliness, and even smell affect how consumers spend money. As you read this article, think about your own decision-making when it comes to shopping.
Category Archives: The Stuff of Consumer Culture
Matty Benedetto is the master of unnecessary inventions
Normally, an inventor strives to create products that fill a need and solve a problem. Matty Benedetto does the opposite. Watch a video showing his delightfully useless creations.
10 Companies That Completely Reinvented Themselves
Did you know that a major cell phone manufacturer used to make rubber boots? Or that a well-known gasoline company used to sell seashells? Check out this slideshow to see how some companies have transformed themselves.
Are We Genetically Inclined To Be Materialistic?
Culture can help people to learn to share freely. Listen to this report comparing people in modern economies like those of the United States to hunter-gatherers.
How Teenagers Spend Money
Where does your money typically go? Compare your spending habits with the national breakdowns featured in this report.
The Rise of the Zombie Mall
With the rise of online shopping, the number of people taking trips to physical shopping malls has declined. Shopping malls may not be dead yet, but their future is uncertain.
Consumers want a climate label for food, research shows
A growing number of consumers are conscious of their toll on the environment. A helpful tool in reducing carbon footprints could be “climate labeling.” Read about this interesting proposal.
Here’s How Streaming Music is Killing the Planet
With the rise of music streaming, the music industry now produces less plastic waste than before. However, streaming music has its unintended consequences.
The Psychology Of Vanity Sizing
With more and more Americans worried about their weight, clothing makers are making shifts in sizing to make customers feel better about themselves. Read this article to learn more about “vanity sizing.”
Brain Scans of Hoarders Reveal Why They Never De-Clutter
Would you have trouble parting with your favorite things? A hoarder is a person who collects items and can’t discard any of them. Often, the homes of hoarders are completely full, with only enough room left to walk from room to room. A new study using brain scans helps shed light on why people behave this way.
When Not Reading The Fine Print Can Cost Your Soul
Do you want to win $10,000? Do you want to keep your immortal soul? This article details how companies sneak clauses into their terms and conditions knowing people do not read the fine print of their documents.
Poll Shows Americans Shun Physical Robots But Welcome Smart Home Assistants
Why do Americans distrust robots? Do we have anything to fear? Read information from both sides of the debate.
How to Spend Money Wisely – A Guide for Teens
Interested in retiring by age 30? Check out these helpful tips to managing your money.
Food Deserts in America (Infographic)
Many factors influence what Americans eat. Look at the infographic about food deserts to learn about one of these factors.
Impossible foods: how startups are changing what we eat – in pictures
Read about companies trying to make food sustainable for us and our environment.
Too Much TV Linked to Future Fast-Food Intake
Think about the time you spend each day looking at TV. How much is too much? Do you think that what you watch could lead to poor eating habits one day? Read an article that makes recommendations for media exposure.
Get ready for a future in which your favorite products act like helicopter parents
Is “smart packaging” with sensors and bluetooth connectivity the future of consumer packaging? Read about the possibilities.
Why People With Disabilities Want Bans On Plastic Straws To Be More Flexible
While few could argue that we should be dumping more plastic waste into the ocean, the author of this article brings up critical points to consider when discussing plastic straw bans.
People Are Paying Insane Amounts of Real Money for “Virtual Real Estate”
Would you buy a virtual plot of land if it cost more than a plot of land in the real world? Read about the booming virtual real estate market.
How Much Food Do We Waste? Probably More Than You Think
Food waste is a global problem that plagues producers and consumers. Read about the causes and harmful effects.