Young people in the Neighborhood Service Organization’s Youth Initiatives Project are making their voices heard. Find out how their student team work is supporting their teachers.

Young people in the Neighborhood Service Organization’s Youth Initiatives Project are making their voices heard. Find out how their student team work is supporting their teachers.
Poe’s death is an unsolved mystery. This article present nine theories for the demise of this famous American writer.
View and read this photo gallery for a timeline of Anne Frank’s life and the historic events that shaped it.
Parents try to teach children to clean up after themselves. Now some schools are assigning sweeping, mopping, trash removal, and other cleaning work to students.
According to Chinese myths, dragons and humans lived side by side at one time. Learn why dragons are said to be protectors.
Selling hangers and buying a house for a $250 down-payment were two important decisions for the Property Brothers. They offer suggestions about how to make other decisions in your life.
Scientists have learned that wild parrots make tools, talk to each other in their own language, and can prevent poisoning themselves. Read more about the intelligence of these smart birds.
Most people have seen or ridden a roller-coaster, and either fear riding one or like the ride. So you think you know how a roller coaster works? Compare what you know with what this article tells you.
Scientific studies are proving that horses have better memories and more intelligence than previously thought.
Western Carolina University is preserving the Cherokee language, which will help preserve the culture. Learn why this decision matters so much to the Cherokee people.
Are you nervous when you have to speak in front of your class? Check out some tips on how to conquer this common fear.
Lightning flashes about four million times a day around the world, causing power outages and starting fires. Read about this powerful, fearful natural phenomenon and how people deal with it.
Leatherback turtles, even as tiny hatchlings, can swim across miles of ocean and return to the beach where they hatched. Find out how these amazing animals navigate without GPS.
Your smile can predict how long you live. Would you believe it? Listen to one man give voice to his theory about smiling.
Atlantis isn’t the only myth about a long-lost kingdom beneath the ocean. Read what other lost city myths are told around the world.
Does it seem as if there is never enough time to get all your work done? Everyone has the same number of hours a week, but these teens manage their time well. Read their strategies for fitting in time for work and play.
Birds use many tricks to get food. Is it a mark of intelligence? Read the article about this tricky African bird and decide.
No one likes to fail, but fear of failure can be overcome. Read why people might fear failure and what they can do to conquer it.
Parents do not understand the risks teens take. Scientists say that because the brain is changing and maturing into adulthood, teen brains cause adolescents to behave differently.
Honeybees communicate where a nectar source is by dancing. Learn how they tell the bee colony.