Tag Archives: History

Union Soldiers at Winter Quarters "Pine Cottage"

The “Lieber Code” – The First Modern Codification of the Laws of War

Have you ever heard of the Geneva Conventions? They are a series of treaties that define how many aspects of war are to be conducted–such as the taking of prisoners or treatment of civilians. But did you know the first modern attempt to write rules for warfare actually happened during the Civil War? They were written by Francis Lieber and issued in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln as instructions for what Union soldiers could–and couldn’t–do while waging war in the field.

Low Angle view of the Colosseum Amphitheater in Rome against blue sky background.

These Chemists Cracked the Code to Long-Lasting Roman Concrete

Its formula long forgotten, the mystery of why Roman concrete remained strong over several millennia when more modern versions crumbled much faster has long baffled scientists and engineers. But now the secret of “self-healing” concrete has been rediscovered and it could lead to a construction revolution more than 2,000 years after it was first discovered.