In recent years, the low-lying state of Louisiana has faced one disaster after another. See the human face of the 2016 flood.
Category Archives: Dealing with Disaster
Milk, Bread, and Eggs: The Trinity of Winter-Storm Panic-Shopping
What do people buy before a blizzard or hurricane? Find out why so many people might buy the same items.
Causes and Effects of Hurricanes
Learn all about some of the most powerful natural disasters on earth.
2015 is warmest year on record, NOAA and NASA say
2014 may have previously been the hottest year on record, but 2015 shattered that record. Read an analysis of these unwelcome superlatives.
New Satellite Helps Scientists Track El Niño
Droughts can be disastrous, but scientists have new technology to help them predict wet weather patterns and their effects around the world.
How to prepare for spring flash flooding
After spring showers, flash flooding is a major concern and can happen very quickly. Even a few inches of rain can cause a disaster.
How the Pacific Northwest is preparing for a catastrophic tsunami
Scientists calculate that the Cascadia fault is overdue for a major quake and resulting tsunami. Find out how coastal communities are preparing for such a disaster.
Video Feature: Apps to Cope and Help in a Disaster
During a natural disaster, a smartphone with the FEMA app can be a vital tool. Watch the video and read what help you can find on this app before, during, or after a disaster.
Trash-mapping expedition sheds light on “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”
A garbage dump twice the size of Texas? In the Pacific Ocean? Find out what scientists and volunteers have discovered and what they are saying about this human-caused disaster.
How to Survive an Avalanche
Learn about the warning signs of an impending avalanche and what to expect if such a disaster happens to you.
Ten Years Without a Hurricane Hit, Is Florida’s Lucky Streak About to End?
Newcomers to Florida might not be prepared to face a hurricane. This news report provides information about important preparations that people should make to deal with this natural disaster.
Floods, Fires, Storms are Fodder for Centuries of Poems
Poet and editor Jeffrey Yang reminds us how disasters can stimulate creativity. In this video he discusses a collection of poems about how we heal after disasters and how the beauty and power of nature can help.
What Will Really Happen When San Andreas Unleashes the Big One?
Blockbuster disaster movies show major destruction of skyscrapers, dams, and bridges, courtesy of special effects studios. Find out what experts predict will actually happen during a major California quake.
In 5 to 10 years, robots will deal with disasters, not humans
Could robots take over from humans in disaster recovery? Scientists at Virginia Tech think so. Learn about their work with robotic disaster response here.
How social media is helping Nepal rebuild after two big earthquakes
As the effects of the recent earthquake in Nepal became clear, many people have turned to social media to help them locate loved ones and help those affected.
About Pet and Disaster Safety
Pets need your help in a disaster, from a heat wave to a flood. Read what you can do to help your dog, cat, horse, or other pet. Look for the Pets and Disaster Safety Checklist also.
Can We Predict Earthquakes?
Watch this short video on ways people have tried to predict earthquakes. But do any of them work so that we can avoid major disasters?
Fire in Nature
Is a forest fire ever a good thing? Fire can be “Nature’s housekeeper,” by killing insects and causing the rebirth of forests. Use the interactive map to discover how natural and prescribed fires in various areas of the U.S. can help, rather than be disasters.
Wisconsin family’s fallout shelter becomes historical exhibit
During the Cold War era, some families built underground fallout shelters in case of a nuclear bomb attack. Homeowners recently discovered one in their back yard, still stocked with food and other disaster survival supplies from the 1960s.
Hurricane Katrina
In August of 2005, Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast, causing widespread flooding in New Orleans and killing many people. Revisit the experience of the storm and learn about how people responded in the aftermath.