Read about what these students have achieved through their continued activism.

Read about what these students have achieved through their continued activism.
Malala Yousafzai almost lost her life for her advocacy of girls’ education. Watch this short video to learn how she grew up to became a social activist and what she has accomplished.
Sesame Street is teaching children to stand up against racism in some of their newest episodes.
Want to know more about the extraordinary Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Read through this list of fast facts revealing some of the important work she accomplished during her career.
Watch the video to learn more about how dogs are used in a prison training program as a way to rehabilitate inmates.
Mississippi officials have finally agreed to retire their state flag containing racist symbolism.
Selling hangers and buying a house for a $250 down-payment were two important decisions for the Property Brothers. They offer suggestions about how to make other decisions in your life.
Learn about the hardships and decisions made by one of the most Important scientists of the 20th century.
Journalist Ida B. Wells was as civil rights activist during the late 1800’s. Her tireless struggle for justice helped spark the movement for equal rights.
In October 1962, two world leaders faced a choice about whether and how to avert a nuclear war.
How do you decide what to believe? See what other young people think about the information they see every day.
Residents of Montgomery, Alabama elected the first black mayor in 200 years. Read about why it’s so important.
Learn about the simple decision made by Rosa Parks in 1955 that helped inspire the Civil Rights movement. Scroll down to view the handwritten police report and other records from this event.
It might seem that careful thought about all of the options would drive our decision making. But researchers have found that confidence is a bigger driver.
One of the first demands made by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was a small territory called the Sudetenland. The decision European leaders made in response to that demand led to World War II.
While Tim Bannon isn’t that into athletics, he won’t let anything—including his disability—get in the way of him doing exactly what he wants to do.
Noor Inayat Khan turned spy to help the Allied forces fighting the Nazis during WWII.
Martha Convers rallies to send thousands of shoes to poverty-stricken children in Venezuela.
Western Carolina University is preserving the Cherokee language, which will help preserve the culture. Learn why this decision matters so much to the Cherokee people.
Psychologist Carl Pickhardt explains why it’s hard for teenagers to make decisions and offers some advice.