How important is it to have a best friend? This article explains the health benefits of having close relationships with others. It also points out some interesting differences in cultural expectations related to friendship.

How important is it to have a best friend? This article explains the health benefits of having close relationships with others. It also points out some interesting differences in cultural expectations related to friendship.
In this article, two authors explain how polarization in American society can be a major roadblock to productive, civil discussions about difficult issues.
Whether it’s picking out a box of cereal from the grocery aisle or deciding which sources to get our information from, we make all kinds of choices every day. This article suggests that having all these choices may ultimately have a negative impact on society.
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected young people and their sense of how they fit into society?
A social contract is an implied agreement among the people of a society about the rules that define their government. The author of this piece believes it’s time to establish new social contracts to replace systems that aren’t working well anymore.
Lyme disease, which people get from tick bites, is a subject of controversy in the medical field. What can we learn from this controversy that might help people deal with disagreements about COVID-19 and reopening schools?
How has COVID-19 affected our connections with one other? What other questions should we be asking about how society should move forward from the pandemic? Click this link to read what a diverse group of experts think.
What role does social media play in creating conflict in our society? This article explains how online disagreements can lead to violence in real life.
The most you can control in any conflict is one side—your own. Learn ways to manage your emotions and use approaches that will help you work toward resolving conflicts with other people.
This article provides some advice for re-learning the social skills we may have lost during the many isolating months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many Americans firmly believe that individuals should be independent and self-reliant. But the author of this commentary argues that too much individualism can lead to tyranny rather than freedom.
The author of this article points out that humans are more successful when they cooperate. He urges Americans to unite under our nation’s flag, in spite of political differences.
This article examines the reasons for the current level of political division in the United States and considers how we might go about trying to improve the situation.
According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, Asian and Black Americans are experiencing racism and discrimination more frequently than they did prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Click this link to learn more about the results of the survey.
Constructive conflict fuels progress far better than passive agreement does. Learn how great ideas and strong results can stem from disagreement.
Empathy—the ability to understand the feelings of others—is an important aspect of emotional intelligence. However, the author of this piece suggests that empathy can have negative effects. Click the link to learn more.
How can relationships between law enforcement and communities begin to improve? Watch as author Dwayne Bryant offers his perspective.
Learn some great tips for how to find common ground with a friend after a fight.
Watch this short video to learn about how the Enslaved descendants of West African heritage find common ground in order to bring their culture to an entire generation of Americans.
An increasing number of school districts are embracing the idea of explicitly teaching social skills. Why take time away from academic subjects? Because social-emotional skills help students learn better.