Saudi Arabia lifted its ban on women drivers in June 2018. Read how two large ride-sharing companies responded.

Saudi Arabia lifted its ban on women drivers in June 2018. Read how two large ride-sharing companies responded.
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign conducted a study to determine when girls begin to accept the stereotype that boys are genuises more often than girls.
In her thesis project, graduate student Hannah Rozenberg created an algorithm to measure how male or female physical spaces are and created architectural models of gender neutral spaces.
Medical professionals analyze what factors might account for the results of a study that showed female physicians had fewer patients who died or were readmitted to the hospital.
Psychologist Adam Mastroianni and biologist Dakota McCoy argue that environmental factors, not innate interests, dissuade women from pursuing science and math.
Many working parents struggle with developing a strong work-life balance. Some states are beginning to offer extended paternity leave, which could change how fathers—and mothers—balance raising children and having careers.
In PBS’s Origin of Everything web series, host Danielle Bainbridge explains how we came to associate pink as a color for girls and blue as a color for boys.
The nonprofit group Common Sense Media has created a rating that labels television shows and movies as having “positive gender representations.” Read this article to find out why they created the label and what falls into the category.
This biography describes the major life events of feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft, author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.
Author Brigid Shulte examines why work flexibile work hours don’t always affect gender equaity and describes four other things that can help.
Though scientists are unable to tell when and how the brains of men and women start to differ, recent studies show differences do exist. Accounting for these differences could help the effectiveness of medication.
In a recent study, researchers at the University of British Columbia found that daughters who see their fathers contribute to household chores are more likely to have higher career aspirations.
Poet Patience Agbabi re-writes Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales with characters from modern-day England.
In the early 1800s, astronomy was seen as a feminine hobby. As it became professionalized, women started to become sidlined. Scientists like Maria Mitchell fought for women’s place in the field.
English literature lecturer Roberta Magnani draws comparisons between comic book heroine Wonder Woman and characters from mythology and classical literature.
This article examines why men may be hesitant to pursue traditionally-female jobs.
New England industrialists hired thousands of young women from farms to work together in early textile mills—and spawned a host of unintended consequences.
In Stockholm, Sweden, educators are using a controversial approach to shield young children from gender stereotypes.
CNN correspondent Kelly Wallace discusses her use of the word “sorry, ” as well as its use in society in general.
Author Sady Doyle argues that pink, whether feminine or not, is simply a flattering and pleasing color that has been popular throughout time.