People don’t need to be old to make history. In this talk, Brad Meltzer encourages young people to change the world by following three simple principles.

People don’t need to be old to make history. In this talk, Brad Meltzer encourages young people to change the world by following three simple principles.
As school doors were closing in the spring of 2020, one Texas 8th grader was using her knowledge and curiosity to tackle the pandemic.
Café owners in Uganda encourage their customers to learn sign language to interact with their staff. Choose the Quick Read text option to get the basic story or the Deep Read text option for more details.
Students across the country are making their voices heard: they want more diversity and thoughtful planning around anti-racism in their schools.
Animator Steven Hunter is proud to be a part of Pixar’s first film containing an LGBTQ protagonist.
Although detained in China for being critical of the Chinese government, Ai Weiwei still manages to create art supporting human rights and free speech. Read this photo essay about a visit to Alcatraz, a former military prison, and view Weiwei’s art made of Legos that speaks up for people from around the world who were imprisoned or exiled from their countries.
Labor organizer Cesar Chavez was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for working to improve working and living conditions for migrant farm workers. Learn how he found the courage to speak out, organize a farm workers’ union, and lead nonviolent marches and boycotts of California table grape growers.
Italians sing to each other, offering camaraderie and solace during these difficult times.
Teenagers are making their voices heard in short, online snippets. Spend some time with an unassuming Internet star.
Research has shown a surprising conclusion about body language: Practicing more confident, open posture for just a couple of minutes changes the levels of two key hormones, leading to a genuine feeling of increased confidence.
Read about how one dedicated voice turned the view of Florida’s Everglades from negative to positive.
People with disabilities create content on YouTube to show and normalize their life experiences.
Until recently, the self-expression afforded by rap and hip-hop performances was unavailable to deaf audiences. With energetic and expressive sign language interpreters taking the stage along with the artists, that is changing.
Read about a national competition that is propelling one student toward a bright future on the strength of his dramatic interpretation.
Even if you’re not that excited about making your voice heard, you may be the best person to lead a group. Find out why.
Listen to Richard Turere—a young inventor who saved his Maasai community by effectively scaring away lions.
People with disabilities often feel empowered when playing video games.
PBS has debuted the nation’s first-ever children’s series featuring indigenous leads. Finally, Alaskan natives are able to see themselves through the character “Molly of Denali.”
Whether you find selfies annoying or empowering, they serve some important social purposes.
Your smile can predict how long you live. Would you believe it? Listen to one man give voice to his theory about smiling.