Category Archives: Ourselves and Others

Person holding a Will Work for Food cardboard sign

Anti-homeless spikes: ‘Sleeping rough opened my eyes to the city’s barbed cruelty’

It’s easy to view homeless people as “other” without considering why they are homeless or what challenges they face. In some cities, businesses have installed “defensive architecture” designed to stop homeless people from congregating or sleeping in public spaces. Read one writer’s opinion of this practice.

Waiter taking couple's order in restaurant, smiling

CEOs say how you treat a waiter can predict a lot about character

Most of us have experienced being treated as if we were less important than others, because of our age or social status or some other factor. But the people who make hiring decisions for some companies have taken notice, finding that how a job seeker treats those in service positions accurately reflects his or her character.

U.S. Capitol building draped with flags, Washington, DC

The United States Flag

Seeing people mistreat the American flag, whether intentionally or accidentally, evokes strong feelings. But what does U.S. law currently say about how the American flag should be treated? Legislative attorney John R. Luckey sets forth the official rules and applies them to specific situations.

soccer, playing, sports, Dakar, Senegal, Africa

The Team: Better Together

A television project that targets countries grappling with a serious conflict, The Team uses a fictional, soccer-related drama to help people consider resolutions and come to mutual understandings. The program has been widely successful because it is produced locally, with people who truly understand the conflict in the area.