The use of technologies such as CGI (computer-generated imagery) can make a little bear from Peru appear very real. We take on board the personality and challenges of the “guy” as if he were human. Read more about the technical challanges here.

The use of technologies such as CGI (computer-generated imagery) can make a little bear from Peru appear very real. We take on board the personality and challenges of the “guy” as if he were human. Read more about the technical challanges here.
In his latest art installation, Leandro Erlich uses mirrors to create an optical illusion on a grand scale. Watch this video interview with the artist.
Nothing is quite what it appears to be! At least that’s the case in the photograph’s of Matthew Albanese.
What if you could look at a building through your smartphone and see a layer of information about what’s inside? Well, you can with augmented reality technology. Here’s an illustrated explanation.
One of the most challenging skills for beginning artists to learn is how to make their work accurately reflect how we view the world.
What goes on in our brains before we ever put a piece of food in our mouths? Our senses of smell, sight and touch contribute a lot to how we perceive the taste of food.
Renee Zain is the creator of GoZen!–an anxiety relief program of short animated videos for kids to teens. In this blog on Psychcentral she gives some tips on how to overcome self-defeating thoughts or skewed perceptions of reality which she names “thought holes”.
Albert Einstein revolutionized physics with the introduction of his Special Theory of Relativity in 1905. But what do you really know about time and space? Brian Greene, noted theoretical physicist and author, explains how time and space are actually changeable, and based on what the observer sees.
Meet Clo-Bot! This is a robot of sorts–an iPad attached to an extendable pole on wheels that attends class in Point Pleasant Elementary School in Glen Burnie, Maryland! Clo-Bot is controlled remotely by Cloe who is at home recovering from surgery and, it enables her to participate with her classmates in school lessons as if she were in the room.
A bee; is it an insect to be feared or a mainstay in the production of our fresh food? Well, it depends how your mind perceives it. It’s quite possible to change the way we look at things.
Neuroscience informs magicians’ techniques or magicians’ knowledge informs neuroscience. Well, it can work both ways according to this article. Scientists could have a lot to learn about cognitive processes…if magicians are willing to let them in on their secrets!
The power of the imagination knows no bounds! How much work do you think your brain is doing to conjure up a unique, crazy image? Learn about the neuroscience behind this amazing creative tool.
Locating, capturing, battling, and training Pokémon can take a person into a whole new virtual world, but should there be limits on where a user can roam in the quest for these creatures?
Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity helped us understand that traveling forward in time is possible. Are you curious about how this works? Learn to think like Einstein as you follow this simple experiment about time travel. It’s not as hard as it sounds!
You are what you eat! What about the stuff you don’t know you are eating, like dried plant matter that becomes part of the food chain? Here’s an interesting angle on the subject through a creative animation.
When video game environments and real life start to merge maybe it’s a sign for computer time out! The information in this article is based on a study that investigates the experiences of hardcore gamers when they stepped away from that environment and back to “reality”.
Take a look at the video for an exhibition that illustrates the theme of illusion at the Science Gallery, Dublin, Ireland. Our brains play a big part in helping us interpret the information we take in through our five senses. But the information we take in is not necessarily how our brains put the pieces together.
Read about how an art installation called Tree Logic makes the author and her coworkers feel as they pass it daily.
What could a sea bass have to do with our perception of time? Check out this short BrainCraft video to find out!
Yellow is yellow, right? Apparently not! As each season changes the colors in our natural environment, how we identify colors also changes.