Category Archives: The Individual and Society

View from behind a grocery cart in a supermarket aisle

Our choices may be making us more individualistic

Whether it’s picking out a box of cereal from the grocery aisle or deciding which sources to get our information from, we make all kinds of choices every day. This article suggests that having all these choices may ultimately have a negative impact on society.

tick on a human skin

What the ‘Lyme wars’ can teach us about COVID-19 and how to find common ground in the school reopening debate

Lyme disease, which people get from tick bites, is a subject of controversy in the medical field. What can we learn from this controversy that might help people deal with disagreements about COVID-19 and reopening schools?

Definition of the word Discrimination underlined with red marker on white paper

Many Black and Asian Americans Say They Have Experienced Discrimination Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak

According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, Asian and Black Americans are experiencing racism and discrimination more frequently than they did prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Click this link to learn more about the results of the survey.