Current Events

Fruit Fly

From Fruit Fly to This Guy: a Map of One Tiny Brain May Show How Larger Ones Work

Source: National Public Radio (NPR)

A fruit fly’s brain is only the size of a single poppy seed, but it contains a whopping 50 million connections between its neurons. With the assistance of AI, scientists have recently mapped these connections for the first time—the first time for any insect’s brain. It teaches us a lot about how a fruit fly’s brain works, but more importantly, this achievement has already begun to reveal lessons about how all brains work, including yours and mine.

Dollar Printing

What is Inflation?

Source: CNN 10

From groceries to travel and from video games to shoes, it seems that just about everything is getting more expensive these days. That increase in prices is called inflation. Watch this short video to learn more about what inflation is, and more importantly, why it occurs.

Diabetes equipment, used by patient

New treatment for Type 1 Diabetics Gives Hope to University of Chicago Patients

Source: CBS News

Before insulin was first used in the 1920s (barely 100 years ago), a patient with Type 1 Diabetes was expected to live less than 2 years after being diagnosed. After insulin, diabetics began living longer and longer. Type 1 diabetics today can expect to live into their late 60s or early 70s—but doing so requires a lot of medicine, devices, and thoughtful care. However, a new treatment option is currently being tested that may make care easier and help patients live even longer.

Microphone with blurred audience of protestors and a sign in the background.

BSU Names Multicultural Center in Honor of Civil Rights Icons Vivian Conley and Hurley Goodall

Source: Muncie Journal

These two activists dedicated their lives to education, equity, and service, paving the way for inclusion and empowerment. Their legacies remind students everywhere of the power of advocacy and determination to transform communities.

Jefferson Memorial with fireworks in Washington, DC

30 New Year’s Superstitions to Bring You Good Luck in 2025

Source: Country Living

If you’re looking for a few extra ways to cultivate good fortune for 2025, check out this list of New Year’s Eve superstitions that includes customs from across the globe. Make like the Danes and jump off a chair, wake to see the run rise like they do in Japan, or eat twelve grapes (no more, no less) at midnight, just as they do in Spain. This list will give you many good ideas for your celebrations!

Laboratory pipette with drop of blue liquid over petri dish with red biological analysis solution contaminated by infectious bacteria growth for a biotechnology experiment in a science research lab

A promising test for pancreatic cancer . . . from a teenager

Source: TED

If someone said you could change the world, would you believe it? If you had an idea that could save countless lives, would anyone listen? Watch this talk by Jack Andraka, a teen who discovered a revolutionary way to detect certain cancers. Discover what he did, how he did it, and what it took to get people to listen.

Boris Karloff in Frankenstein

Germany’s hottest Halloween party at Frankenstein Castle

Source: DW Euromaxx (Lifestyle Europe)

Did you know that Frankenstein’s castle is a real place? Not only that, but it throws Germany’s biggest Halloween party every year!
Thousands of people from all over come to tour the castle, dance, eat, compare costumes, and spend the spookiest night of the year in one of Europe’s spookiest locations!