The Next Mass Extinction Might Be About Survival of the Laziest
Source: Wired
Because humans have a relatively low metabolism, they might survive longer than other species. This article explains more about the theory.
Because humans have a relatively low metabolism, they might survive longer than other species. This article explains more about the theory.
Not all medicines start out in labs; many life-saving medicines come from plants or animals, and more are being discovered all the time.
How does a flock of geese or a desert ant find its way without getting lost? Learn about the many strategies and adaptations animals use to help them navigate.
What happens to the stuff you no longer need? In this interview, author Edward Humes describes the huge amount of trash created in the United States and explains where it goes when we throw it away.
Artist Stephen Wiltshire is know around the world for his detailed panoramas of cities drawn from memory. Read this article to find out how his autism may help him focus his brain to produce such extraordinarily detailed works. Then click on the link to view a slideshow of his drawings.
Follow the Mars Curiosity Rover mission in real-time by checking the updates and images on this site.
When a bird sings, it’s telling you what it is and where it is. Learn bird calls and open a new window on your birding.
Learn about the hardships and decisions made by one of the most Important scientists of the 20th century.
Scientists have learned that wild parrots make tools, talk to each other in their own language, and can prevent poisoning themselves. Read more about the intelligence of these smart birds.
A recent arrival to the United States, Vespa mandarinia is a species of hornet capable of stinging multiple times and destroying honeybee colonies.