
Wind turbines

We Don’t Have to Choose Between Fossil Fuels and Green Energy

Source: Smithsonian Magazine

Does America’s energy future depend on fossil fuels, such as oil and gas, or alternative energy, such as solar and wind power? According to author Michael Levi, Americans should embrace both forms of energy. Read this article to find out how Americans can find common ground on this important issue.

Ama Dablam, Solo Khumbu, Himalaya, Nepal

Creativity in the Wild

Source: PLOS One

Is it time to drop that controller, switch off that television, and head outdoors? This article reports the results of a scientific study of whether exposure to natural settings improves cognition. Perhaps the American Romantics were right about the effects of nature on imagination and thought. Read to find out.

View of a hurricane hunter plane out window of another plane

Hurricane Hunters Association

Source: Hurricane Hunters Association

Why would anyone fly a plane into one of the world’s most powerful storms? Visit this site to learn about “hurricane hunting” with the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron. Learn about its mission, its history, its people, its planes, and its role in saving lives. While you’re there, be sure to click on the “Cyberflight” link to experience a flight into Hurricane Dennis!

Mir orbital station

The Day the Universe Changed

Source: BBC

With each new gadget, tech companies declare that everything has changed. Whether that’s true will remain to be seen, of course. Looking back, though, it’s far easier to see clearly what discoveries and inventions really did change everything. In this fascinating 10-part series, James Burke examines the advances that altered our world.