Volunteers Form Human Wall To Guide Baby Loggerhead Sea Turtles To Sea
Source: DOGO News
Baby sea turtles hatch and need to get to the ocean—fast! Find out how a group of people helped.

Thomas Edison: Inventor and Entrepreneur
Source: PBS Learning Media
Thomas Edison’s inventions changed people’s lives. Discover the many creations Edison made!

How Long Is the Appalachian Trail?
Source: Wonderopolis
The Appalachian Trail is more than 2,000 miles long and stretches over 14 states. Learn more about this massive trail and the millions of people who explore it each year!

NASA’s Newest Astronaut Recruits Report for Training
Source: DOGO News
New astronauts are in training for missions to space! They tell what they look forward to doing – and eating – in space.

The Future of Zoos
Source: Time for Kids
The Philadelphia Zoo in Pennsylvania is making sure that animals are able to explore, even while they have visitors!

Rain Forest Habitat
Source: National Geographic Kids
Explore rain forests! These wet places are filled with all kinds of incredible plants and animals.

Emperor Penguin Families
Source: National Geographic Kids
Emperor penguins take good care of their babies and help them survive, but it’s not easy in the land of snow and ice!

Sand Bubbler Crabs
Source: National Geographic Kids
Low tide is dinner time for some amazing crabs! See how hard they work as they race against the tide to find food.

Gravity Assist
Source: Time for Kids
Nine-year-old Jack Davis applied to work for NASA. While he didn’t get the job, his hard work is paying off!

Lifestyles of Beluga Whales
Source: National Geographic Kids
Beluga whales are very social,“chatty” mammals. Find out what sounds they make and what their lives are like!

Ryan’s Recycling
Source: National Geographic Kids
Meet Ryan, a boy your own age, who has helped recycle more than 320,000 cans and bottles! Join in and help the Earth!

10 Questions for Jessica Watkins
Source: Time for Kids
Meet Jessica Watkins, the youngest member of NASA’s 2017 astronaut-candidate class.

Source: Time for Kids
Learn how some middle school kids are helping change people’s lives with STEM.

Build It!
Source: Time for Kids
Make a machine out of everyday objects to move something from one place to another. Try it! Do it!

Gopher Tortoises: Burrowing to Escape Forest Fires
Source: PBS Learning Media
Peek underground to see the long burrow a gopher tortoise digs. Find out why this is a good idea.

Festo’s Bionic Flying Fox Bats and Somersaulting Robotic Spiders Are Incredible
Source: DOGO News
People studied animals in nature and then built amazing robots—a bat that flies and a spider that rolls. Prepare to be amazed!

Dino Death Pit
Source: National Geographic Kids
Scientists in China are digging up fossils of new kinds of dinosaurs that got stuck in the mud millions of years ago.

Why the Giant Sequoia Needs Fire to Grow
Source: The Kids Should See This
Discover how fires help these gigantic trees to grow and thrive.

Photographer’s Quest to Seek Out Nature’s Best Camouflage Artists
Source: DOGO News
Animals use camouflage to hide from predators, but they can’t hide from this photographer! See if you can spot the animals in these photos.

Source: #metkids
Look closely at a painting of a stormy day at sea. What does it inspire you to think, imagine, and create?