The Holocaust nearly obliterated the once-vibrant Jewish population of Lithuania. Learn about how a small band of prisoners made a daring escape so that they could bear witness and how modern researchers have found proof of this event.

The Holocaust nearly obliterated the once-vibrant Jewish population of Lithuania. Learn about how a small band of prisoners made a daring escape so that they could bear witness and how modern researchers have found proof of this event.
Read about reactions to the Easter Bombings in Sri Lanka, and watch the video about effects this tragedy has had on the local Muslim community. In the midst of this tragedy, the country searches for ways to bring people together despite religious differences.
Growing up in a dangerous region of Pakistan, Maria Toorpakai found a way to pursue her goals.
One Holocaust survivor’s story is told after the jacket he wore at a concentration camp was found
As tensions in Europe grew before the United States entered World War II, one well-off American couple decided to take action. Learn about the challenges and dangers they faced to rescue 50 Jewish children from the Nazis.
Clemantine Wamariya talks about her memoir, The Girl Who Smiled Beads, in which she writes about her experiences as a refugee fleeing genocide in Rwanda and rebuilding a life in the United States.
In the midst of hurricane season, experts offer advice on how to survive natural disasters.
Read about the history of fire escapes and whether their purpose was ever fulfilled.
Journalists in war zones have one of the most dangerous—and compelling—of jobs. Learn about a pioneering woman who worked as a war correspondent from the dawn of World War II.
After a terrorist-piloted plane crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center, only one path to safety remained unblocked. Read stories of the survivors who escaped through Stairwell A.
It’s likely that when your grandparents were your age, they rode in a car without buckling a seat belt first. Find out how effective seat belts are at saving lives and why some people don’t use them, even today.
Click through this photo gallery to learn where in the world people can expect to lead the longest lives.
According to Laurence Gonzales, making small changes in the way you approach everyday life will help you survive if disaster ever strikes. Read the article to find out his 14 survival skills.
Letters home from soldiers reveal a mix of the mundane and the devastating. Learn about a book in which one soldier compiled letters documenting his unlikely military journey.
The topic of health insurance may not seem very exciting, but it has a clear, documented impact on our lives.
Why do people sometimes seem to turn a blind eye to life-and-death calamities that affect hundreds, thousands, even millions of our fellow humans? It’s all in the numbers.
Only a few short years ago, the ebola virus devastated areas of West Africa and terrified the world. Thanks to diligent research, though, it no longer threatens lives.
Although it resulted in more loss of life than the Nazi concentration camps, the Soviet Gulag system is less well known. One survivor has spent his life working to change that.
It turns out that a computer running a mathematical formula can more accurately predict patients’ wishes than family members can. But should a computer be allowed to override a human in a life-or-death situation?
Stay on top of the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Syria.