Author Archives: Chandler Gifford

Woman mentoring boy

National Geographic Hosts the Energy Department’s STEM Mentoring Café for Students

The U.S. Energy Department sponsors a mentorship program for students interested in pursuing STEM careers. “Mentoring Cafés” give kids the opportunity to talk with professionals in these fields, who spark their curiosity about working with cutting-edge research and exciting new technology.

Fort Jefferson at the Dry Tortugas

How Samuel Mudd Went From Lincoln Conspirator to Medical Savior

Dr. Samuel Mudd, who treated John Wilkes Booth after he assassinated President Lincoln and was convicted for conspiring with him, was sent to prison at Fort Jefferson on an island in the Gulf of Mexico. He is credited with saving dozens of lives from an outbreak of yellow fever on the island.

Neighborhood crime watch sign

Newest Immigrants Assimilating as Fast as Previous Ones, Report Says

In September of 2015, the National Academies published a report that explored how immigrants fit into American society. The study applied current research to try to clear up common misconceptions, including the idea that immigrants frequently commit crime. Read this article to learn about the report’s findings.