A group of adult students are giving to other refugees who are just arriving in the United States. Having been in their shoes themselves, they do everything they can to make the transition easier for others.

A group of adult students are giving to other refugees who are just arriving in the United States. Having been in their shoes themselves, they do everything they can to make the transition easier for others.
An Rong Xu describes how she uses photography and art to explore Chinese-American culture, and what it means to her.
Immigrants come to the United States for countless reasons and under vastly different circumstances. Browse this photo essay to explore a few of these compelling stories.
How can a piano, left in a public place for anyone to use, bring a community together? Read about this unexpected movement to find out.
Read about its origins and peruse the related readings and images.
Listen to Ethan Lisi discuss autistic behaviors and debunk stereotypes.
Several deaf individuals speak on what it means to be deaf, what deaf culture is, and how they wish to be perceived and treated.
Learn about the holiday’s origins and how it is celebrated.
Asian American actors feel like they’re finally getting the representation they deserve.
Hispanic Heritage month begins September 15th. Peruse the list of videos featuring Hispanic history, culture, music, and more!
Read about the extraordinary women who overcame adversity to work as pilots, translators, guerilla fighters, and more during their country’s time of need.
Muhammad was the first female Muslim-American to win an Olympic medal. Read about her life and career in this article.
Our emotions, such as shame, are largely determined by the environment and people in which we are surrounded.
Read about how society benefits from encountering and experiencing diverse cultures.
New gaming projects seek to help people build sympathy for others by allowing them to take on the role of someone else.
What exactly is Mardis Gras, and where is it celebrated? Its long-standing history embedded in different places throughout the world may surprise you!
Read about why lowriding is important to Juan Ramirez and his community in Los Angeles.
Read about the different holidays celebrated this time of year by people all over the world.
Tapi Yawalapiti is one of the remaining two people who know the Yawalapiti language. He’s doing all he can to to ensure it’s not completely lost one day.
Culture shock is something many people in foreign countries experience. It refers to the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, disorientation, uncertainty, confusion and so on) felt when people have to operate within a different and unknown cultural or social environment.