Researchers found that having positive relationships with the people in our lives is a key contributing factor to our overall health and happiness. Click here to learn more.

Researchers found that having positive relationships with the people in our lives is a key contributing factor to our overall health and happiness. Click here to learn more.
This article highlights the struggle for equality in the town of Oxford, North Carolina.
The authors of this article recommend major changes in the way we think about the individual and society.
In 1951, 16-year-old Barbara Johns found herself in the middle of the fight to end segregation in American schools, an effort she compared to “reaching for the moon.”
What’s the best number of friends for a person to have? Click this link to hear from a professor whose research explores this very question.
During the Revolutionary War, France supplied the Americans with money, soldiers, and ammunition. Read about the strong ties that remained when the war ended.
In this biography, learn how Jack London’s adventurous life inspired his novels and stories.
This article describes recent worldwide protests against the Iranian government’s oppression of women and girls.
Click this link to learn more about a recent study that suggests Americans have become more willing to cooperate with strangers over the past several decades.
Meet Wahida Amiri, a librarian and book-lover forced to flee her homeland after she spoke out against the Taliban and demanded equal rights for Afghan women.
It can be hard to find common ground in a tense situation. Click here to read an interview with Chicago’s Superintendent of Police David Brown, who urges Americans involved in conflicts to really listen to each other, see past their differences, and work together in a spirit of collaboration.
Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams, served as an unofficial advisor to the second president of the United States. She also fought for the right of married women to own personal property.
Click here to find out more about the Brennan Center for Justice and its efforts to defend systems of democracy in the United States by reporting on ongoing legislative efforts to restrict voting rights.
Is it best to conform to the rules and expectations of a society, or should people do what they think is best, even it it makes them stick out from the herd? Click here to dig deeper into this question.
Learn how Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, is more complex than many think with these facts about her story.
Watch this short interview with NASA Administrator Bill Nelson about the Artemis program and NASA’s plans to return humans to the moon in 2025.
The author of this opinion piece reminds his readers that throughout our nation’s history, the struggle for equity and equality has always faced resistance. He urges activists to be strong and resilient as they work to ensure voting rights for all Americans.
In recent months, there’s been an increase in violence against Asian Americans. One way you can help is by speaking out against violence and racism. Click this link to find out other ways to help.
How important is it to have a best friend? This article explains the health benefits of having close relationships with others. It also points out some interesting differences in cultural expectations related to friendship.
Click this link to learn about the nation’s first Black female federal judge and her important contributions to the Civil Rights movement.