Author Archives: Chandler Gifford

Police officer standing between two girls looking at each other angrily

Creating Common Ground in Tense, Difficult Situations

It can be hard to find common ground in a tense situation. Click here to read an interview with Chicago’s Superintendent of Police David Brown, who urges Americans involved in conflicts to really listen to each other, see past their differences, and work together in a spirit of collaboration.

Activists protest at the White House in Washington, DC

What America’s voting rights activists can learn from past movements for civil rights

The author of this opinion piece reminds his readers that throughout our nation’s history, the struggle for equity and equality has always faced resistance. He urges activists to be strong and resilient as they work to ensure voting rights for all Americans.

View from behind a grocery cart in a supermarket aisle

Our choices may be making us more individualistic

Whether it’s picking out a box of cereal from the grocery aisle or deciding which sources to get our information from, we make all kinds of choices every day. This article suggests that having all these choices may ultimately have a negative impact on society.

Playstation video game console

Fortnite’s Civil Rights Movement Inclusion Was Well-Intentioned But Messy

Is a popular video game an appropriate venue for teaching young people about the Civil Rights movement? Click here to find out what happened when Martin Luther King, Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech was featured in Fortnite.