The fate of the lost colony of Roanoke has become the stuff of legend. However, many lesser-known colonies also struggled and failed. Explore the interactive map to learn more.

The fate of the lost colony of Roanoke has become the stuff of legend. However, many lesser-known colonies also struggled and failed. Explore the interactive map to learn more.
A local council of Alaska Native groups took a story passed down by generations of the Inupiaq tribe and turned it into a video game. The game has already won several awards and has introduced the culture to a wider audience.
Frank Stasio, host of radio program The State of Things, talks to poet Joy Harjo about her latest collection, Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings.
Sociologist G. Cristina Mora discusses her book about how the terms “Hispanic” and “Latino” emerged and how different commuities identify with them.
This biography details the life of early American colonist John Smith.
This article inlcudes an overview of the importance of Ellis Island in the history of immigration in the United States. It then provides a more detailed timeline of happenings on the island.
Read about the contributions of foreign-language and ethnic media in the United States.
Nineteenth-century photographer Edward Curtis was known for his images of Native Americans. Watch this video that details the Smithsonian Institute’s recent acquisition of more than 700 of Curtis’s images.
The 2015 PBS documentary The PIlgrims takes a look at some of our preconceived ideas about the United States’ earliest settlers. NPR takes a look.
Acknowledging the role European settlement in the Americas had on native people, the city of Los Angeles renamed the holiday to commemorate Christopher Columbus as “Indigenous Peoples Day.”
This article examines how immigration policy and gaming meet.
Read about the efforts city officials across the country are making to welcome immigrants and why.
This timeline is organized into six time periods, each of which has excerpts and images from primary and secondary sources. Scan the entire timeline or choose to focus on one or two time periods for a more in-depth look at the history of immigration in the U.S.
The Commonwealth Theatre Center recently finished producing all of Shakespeare’s plays over the course of four decades. Read about the benefits of working on a Shakespeare production as a child or teenager.
Historian Camilla Townsend dispels some of the myths about Pocahontas.
Educator and former U.S. Foreign Service officer Chris Livaccari discusses how Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” inspired him to examine his own family’s use of language.
For 14 months from 1675 to 1676, Pokunoket chief Metacom, known as King Philip, led an unsuccessful effort to drive the English settlers from native land.
Using the example of Italian-Americans, history professor and author Vincent J. Cannato argues that the exchange of cultures and ideas between native-born Americans and immigrants positively influences society.
Archeologists from the University of Massachusetts Boston recently unearthed artifacts that help pinpoint the location of the historic Plymouth settlement.
People have been immigrating to America for tens of thousands of years. Use this interactive timeline to see how immigration patterns have changed over time.