Category Archives: Decisions that Matter

Waveforms produced by brain activity

Decision-Making is Still a Work in Progress for Teenagers

Have parents or teachers ever told you that you’re not old enough to decide? There are differences between adolescent brains and adult brains, so it might be true. Read about the study at the McLean Hospital Brain Imaging Center in Boston, Massachusetts, that used functional magnetic resonance imaging to compare the activity of teenage brains to that of adults.

Girl doing homework

Wilma Mankiller, Cherokee Chief and First Woman to Lead Major Tribe, Is Dead at 64

Although she died in 2010, the Cherokee Nation will long remember Wilma Mankiller for her dedication to education, health care, and housing reforms. Find out how her decision to support a protest on Alcatraz Island fostered her leadership and determination to help her community.

Pedimental frieze on Supreme Courthouse

Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1985

The Supreme Court decision against segregated schools created new opportunities for African Americans. However, it also led to years of conflict between supporters and opponents of segregation. News stories, songs, videos, and pictures tell the story of people’s experiences of the changes sweeping the nation during this turbulent time.