Would you walk across this bridge if it were made of glass? See how some tourists in China are crossing a glass bridge and facing their fear of height in this video.

Would you walk across this bridge if it were made of glass? See how some tourists in China are crossing a glass bridge and facing their fear of height in this video.
Why are people often naturally afraid of heights? Why are some more fearful than others? This article explains what acrophobia is and how sensible fear of heights is.
Many people are terrified of sharks even though an actual encounter with one is extremely unlikely. Read about the risks of meeting one of these fearful predators.
In this video interview, author Malcolm Gladwell explains why he believes that in the Bible story of David and Goliath, David was not the underdog facing a fearful situation.
TV anchor Robin Roberts fought her cancer and faced her fear of it. Besides her doctors, the people in her life were her main supports during her treatments.
Did you know that scientists discovered a gene that influences the brain’s response to fear and danger? Read about it here.
Some of these scary animals you’ll know – such as the piranha, the eel, and the crocodile. Read about these and other predators, where they live, and what they feast on.
The movie character Indiana Jones feared snakes, other people are afraid of small spaces such as elevators, while many sweat over tests. Find out what things cause extreme fear, or phobias, in some people.
Afraid of giving speeches? If so, you’re not alone. Watch this video about how the fear of speaking in public affects the body, and how to trick your brain so that your body stays calm.
Trying to hit a ball, make a speech, or do any job flawlessly under pressure can lead to choking. Overthinking an action can lead to making a fatal mistake. Read what scientists are finding out about the brain and this human failing.
Everyone knows that ghosts aren’t real. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of ghost stories to go around. This site lists a few of those stories, describing tales sometimes told about the nation’s most famous ghosts.
Do you enjoy the feeling of being frightened? If you do, then you may be a fan of roller coasters. Learn about some of the scariest roller coasters in the world, and watch videos of what the rides are like.
Sometimes the scariest things we face aren’t even real, and unreal things can be mighty scary. Check out this list of common nightmares to find out what might cause each one. Then, the next time you wake up frightened by a dream, ask yourself, “was that nightmare trying to tell me something?”
Trees that seem to reach out to sting you? A plant that poisons milk and killed Abraham Lincoln’s mother? A bean used in assassinations? Check out this list of plants we should fear, some of which may live in our very own homes!
The world is packed with scary animals. Luckily, most live a long, long way away. Check out this top ten list of frightening animals, including explanations of why they’re scary. You’ll recognize some of them, but others may be quite a surprise.
If you’ve ever wondered how to overcome deeply held fears, be sure to read this interview with Dr. Maya Angelou. As a child, she ‘d been afraid to talk, yet she grew up to become a writer, a poet, a teacher, and an all-around inspiration to others. Check out her advice about living a full life, measuring success, and more.
If you’re afraid of small, confined spaces, spending time inside an MRI scanner might terrify you. Still, this incredible invention has changed the face of medicine forever. Learn how MRI scanners “see” inside patients, why doctors use them, what it took to develop them, and much more.
Did you know that electromagnetic technology makes roller coaster rides scarier than ever before? Or that pilots one day will rely on that same technology to launch jets from aircraft carriers? Visit this site to learn about big changes in the world of roller coasters.
According to the National Bullying Prevention Center, on any given school day, 160,000 students in the U.S. stay home for fear of being bullied. At the PACER Center’s site for Teens Against Bullying, learn more about bullying and what you can do to stop it.