Read about the best ways to positively impact the world around you with this quick list of heroic characteristics.

Read about the best ways to positively impact the world around you with this quick list of heroic characteristics.
Could the coronavirus crisis compel a divided America to become more unified? According to this article, we’re living in “a national defining moment.”
COVID-19 has stripped us of some of our basic freedoms, forcing us to stay in our homes, wear masks, and observe social distancing guidelines. Now some people are worried about how government policies crafted in response to the crisis could restrict civil liberties.
Learn about the new VR format students may begin using to learn about the Holocaust.
Quests still happen today, though they may take different forms. Read about one company’s quest to harness the world’s strongest winds to power humanity.
Have you heard of the “Latinx” term popping up everywhere? Learn more about its origins and whether the new term really connects Latin American peoples.
Read this article concerning Hong Kong’s protest for freedom.
Watch the video accompanying this article (at the bottom) about a production of Romeo and Juliet where they each speak different languages and attempt to bridge the divide between language barriers.
“Sweet Sorrow: A Zombie Ballet” returns for its 3rd annual production during Halloween season. Watch the first 2 minutes of this video from last year explaining the process of creating the sequel to Romeo & Juliet for a new age of audience members.
Watch this quick public service announcement with world-renowned activist Greta Thunberg as it highlights aspects of her personal quest to inspire others to take action in preserving our climate.
Read about the great Irish Potato Famine, how it affected the Irish people, and how it contributed to a mass migration to the U.S.
Watch this video to see how your idea of ‘love’ stacks up against your fellow teens’ views.
Watch this video about the power of language and ways it affects our perception.
Listen to this radio report to learn about the Cherokee Nation’s bid to claim a U.S. Congress delegate seat.
Read this article about one group of teens bringing a national conversation to their local theatre stage.
Did you ever wonder where the idea of dragons came from? And how did so many isolated civilizations come to believe in them? This article explores potential theories behind the dragon myths.