Arts & Entertainment

Aerial view of New York City skyline

Extraordinary Artist Stephen Wiltshire Sees Cities Once, Draws Detailed Panoramas From Memory

Source: ABC News

Artist Stephen Wiltshire is know around the world for his detailed panoramas of cities drawn from memory. Read this article to find out how his autism may help him focus his brain to produce such extraordinarily detailed works. Then click on the link to view a slideshow of his drawings.

Man in a coonskin cap holding a rifle in front of Alamo

9 Legends of American Folklore

Source: How Stuff Works

Folktales show us a lot about who we once were and still are. Check out these descriptions of nine classic characters from American folklore: Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Sally Ann Thunder, Johnny Appleseed, Mike Fink, Pecos Bill, Geronimo, and Old Stormalong. Why were they so famous? Why are they still famous today?