Science & Nature

Very tiny neurons.

Scientists have solved a classic optical illusion–and the answer’s in your neurons

Source: BBC: Science Focus

There is a famous optical illusion with two gray lines inside a number of black and white bars. The gray bars are the same color, but they appear lighter or darker depending on which bars are around them. Science was never sure why, but it seems the answer lies in you brain’s neurons and how fast they can fire.

Teenager girl wearing virtual reality headset.

What is the Future of Communication?

Source: How Stuff Works

There was a time when there was no written language and almost all communication was spoken. Even when language evolved, it was often written on stone and not very portable until the invention of paper. History is full of such advances. Even the now ubiquitous smartphone was thought to be science fiction just a couple of decades ago. But have you ever asked yourself what advances may come next?

Child sitting in cardboard box wearing jetpack.

Why Popcorn Tastes Better When You Eat It with Chopsticks

Source: The Irish News

How do you make something old and familiar feel fresh and new? Science suggests the trick is to interact with it in new ways. Something as simple as eating popcorn–but doing so with chopsticks–can result in people rating the popcorn as tastier and more enjoyable than eating the same popcorn with their hands. Read the article and think of ways you may make things you already own feel new again.