Science & Nature

The zombie fungus from ‘The Last Of Us’ is real — but not nearly as deadly

Source: NPR

There’s been a lot of fungus talk in the news after the popular Last of Us video game became a popular TV show. In the show, people are turned into zombies by a new form of fungus that takes over their brains. And guess what? It’s real! Well, sort of–it’s only real for insects. Should we be worried? Or do fungi do more to help humans than harm them?

Low Angle View Of Landscape Against Cloudy Sky

Why Australia Bottles Up Its Air

Source: YouTube (Tom Scott channel)

Land is one thing, but is it possible to explore the very air of the past? Thanks to some forward-thinking scientists in Australia, it is!
And it is all because of the Cape Grim Air Archive, which has been capturing samples of some of the most pristine air on the planet for nearly 50 years.

Rainforest in Cockscomb Basin in Belize

Brazilian Explorers Search “Medicine Factory” to Save Lives and Rainforest

Source: The Guardian

We often think of cures for cancer as chemicals developed in laboratories, but nature may be the source of new remedies. Tom Phillips explains how researchers aim to tap into the medical possibilities of the Amazon rainforest—and at the same time protect this threatened environment from human development.