A student’s perspective on technology in her school and classroom
Source: Parent Paperwork
Read about the benefits of technology for learning from the perspective of a high-school student.
Read about the benefits of technology for learning from the perspective of a high-school student.
Learn how one teenager pursued his fascination with technology to develop a solution to a difficult modern problem.
Dig into the technology expected to become increasingly popular in 2017.
The electrical supply across North America is interconnected in ways that allow long-distance energy sharing but also leave us vulnerable to an attack. Find out more.
Locating, capturing, battling, and training Pokémon can take a person into a whole new virtual world, but should there be limits on where a user can roam in the quest for these creatures?
Artificial intelligence is all around us—and it’s not a bunch of robots that behave like humans. Find out what AI looks like in today’s world, and discover how we got here.
Our goals and technology for space exploration have changed, but our pursuit of knowledge is just as active today as it was during President Kennedy’s era. Discover the future of space exploration by accessing videos and interactive infographics on NASA’s website.
Is our digital experience with nature eclipsing our real experience with nature? What do we gain by watching wildlife on a webcam? What do we lose? In this essay, writer Diane Ackerman shares her opinion about our digital connection to nature.
From Velcro to robotics, nature is the inspiration for all sorts of technological advances.
The deadly 1986 meltdown of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant left an area of over a thousand square miles too contaminated for farming or habitation. With its existing infrastructure, though, it’s well suited to a different kind of power.