Category Archives: Bold Actions

Tall ship

Crossing the Ocean Blue

The great explorer Christopher Columbus left Spain in 1492 on a voyage of exploration. The 3 ships he set off with were believed to be “technology that was far ahead of its time”. Think of this connection and about why this article appears on The American Society of Mechanical Engineers website.

large rocks on a mountain

Dashrath Manjhi Road

Dashrath Manjhi, also known as “Mountain Man” spent 22 years carving a road through a mountain with hammer and chisel in Bihar, India. Read about what drove him to do this painstaking work and the long lasting impact it had on the people of his village.

old brass or golden compass with world map background

Navigating Without the Crutch of Technology

You are lost! How do you find your way? Reach for your cellphone and turn on GPS! John Huth, author of The Lost Art of Finding Our Way thinks we should allow ourselves to get lost once in a while to create a better connection with our environment. Click on the link within this article to watch a video clip of John Huth’s view on navigation without maps.