Category Archives: Decisions that Matter

Pedimental frieze on Supreme Courthouse

Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1985

The Supreme Court decision against segregated schools created new opportunities for African Americans. However, it also led to years of conflict between supporters and opponents of segregation. News stories, songs, videos, and pictures tell the story of people’s experiences of the changes sweeping the nation during this turbulent time.

Cold War era civil defense fallout shelter refuge sign for emergency and nuclear attack protection

Robert Frost’s Last Adventure

Many Americans know that the United States and the Soviet Union narrowly avoided nuclear war in 1962. Very few, however, know that poet Robert Frost met with the Premier of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev, just as the nuclear crisis got underway. Read this article by Stewart L. Udall to find out why the poet and the premier met, and discover what happened.

Paul Revere Statue and Christ Church in the City of Boston (aka the Old North Church), symbols of freedom for their role in American Revolution

What Happened to the Two Other Men on Paul Revere’s Ride?

Although their own “midnight” rides were as important as that of Paul Revere, the efforts of William Dawes, Samuel Prescott, and others have sometimes been forgotten. Read this exciting history of what happened that famous April night in 1775. You may not realize just how many people it took to spread the news that the British were coming.