Tag Archives: Health & Medicine

seagulls in blue sky

Tony Griffin and Karl Swan: Soar

SOAR is an organization in Ireland which provides programs for young people aged between 10 and 18 that focus on positive life skills, self-confidence and self-esteem. Gripped by the impact of a similar project in Australia, Tony Griffin and Karl Swan were totally inspired to realize the potential of this work for Ireland’s youth. Click the left-side links for more information.

Waveforms produced by brain activity

Decision-Making is Still a Work in Progress for Teenagers

Have parents or teachers ever told you that you’re not old enough to decide? There are differences between adolescent brains and adult brains, so it might be true. Read about the study at the McLean Hospital Brain Imaging Center in Boston, Massachusetts, that used functional magnetic resonance imaging to compare the activity of teenage brains to that of adults.