Two historians claim quilts may have contained encoded messages for enslaved people looking to escape through the Underground Railroad. Though others disagree, it is an intriguing idea.
Tag Archives: Opinion
People With Negative Self-Image Experience Setbacks More Frequently
Self-esteem can greatly impact aspects of our lives, for better or worse. A positive self-esteem is critical to avoiding setbacks and building ourselves up. Gain insight into why this occurs and learn how to make a positive change.
Why black people discriminate among ourselves: the toxic legacy of colorism
Colorism is a type of discrimination, often (but not always) perpetrated by members of the same race based on the darkness of a person’s skin. Read this personal essay for insight into the impact of this prejudice.
Chasing Success Is No Way to Achieve It
Author Steve Tobak argues that following one’s unique curiosity and interests is the key to fulfillment and that trying to define or seek succcess is irrelevant.
7 Inspiring Quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson That Are Useful Today
Ralph Waldo Emerson was a man of many talents. Read some of his most famous quotes and see their modern day translations.
How to colonize Venus, and why it’s a better plan than Mars
Humans currently have their eyes set on colonizing Mars in the near future. Read on to learn how Venus may be a better option.
What Makes Us Human?
Psychologist Thomas Suddendorf argues the importance of identifying the similarities and differences between humans and other animals.
Adolescence and the Agony of Decision Making
Psychologist Carl Pickhardt explains why it’s hard for teenagers to make decisions and offers some advice.
The hidden power of smiling
Your smile can predict how long you live. Would you believe it? Listen to one man give voice to his theory about smiling.
How Parents Influence Kids’ Gender Roles
How were you raised? Does it affect who you are now? Watch this short video to see how culture affects gender roles.
Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection
Rather than being taught to be brave risk-takers, Reshma Saujani argues girls are taught to avoid risk and failure. Do you agree with her claim?
Why celebrating Juneteenth is more important now than ever
Juneteenth celebrates when enslaved people in the deep Confederacy finally learned of their freedom years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. Read the article to learn more about the holiday and America’s history of oppression.
Are We Living in the Gilded Age 2.0 ?
The Gilden Age, as its name suggests, was appealing on the surface, but many objectionable qualities laid below the exterior. Compare our current time period to the late 1800s.
Poll Shows Americans Shun Physical Robots But Welcome Smart Home Assistants
Why do Americans distrust robots? Do we have anything to fear? Read information from both sides of the debate.
Why figuring out what’s behind a big gender paradox won’t be easy
Science reporter Cathleen O’Grady explains the gender-equality paradox and and why drawing any conclusions from the research on it is tricky.
Is There Any Point to Protesting?
Weaving in examples throughout history, columnist Nathan Heller argues that even when marches and protests are ineffective, they are still important.
How to disagree productively and find common ground
Former world debate champion and business strategist Julia Dhar argues that debating ideas instead of identities is the key to productive conversations.
Is love losing its soul in the digital age?
Philosophy professor Firmin DeBrabander contemplates how couples display their relationships on social media.
Martin Luther King was no prophet of unity. He was a radical
This opinion piece points out that people tend to remember Martin Luther King Jr. fondly as a civil rights leader while overlooking the fact that his views and actions were radical.
Should America Take Down Monuments That Romanticize Conquistadors?
Statues of conquistadors are facing many of the same criticisms as Confederate statues. How should we treat these statues? Read the article for commentary on a complicated issue.