Toni Harris has battled many adversities to become the first female to receive a full football scholarship, but doesn’t plan to stop there.

Toni Harris has battled many adversities to become the first female to receive a full football scholarship, but doesn’t plan to stop there.
Read about the jaw-dropping, boudary-pushing feats performed by 2019’s Adventurers of the Year.
Read about the death-defying spectacles performed by thrill seekers in and around the popular national park throughout history.
Follow the journey of one teen’s courageous solo adventure around the world.
Very few people expected Abby Sunderland’s yacht would be found intact after she abandoned it. Which makes its discovery 8 years after her journey so surprising.
Journalist James Richradson argues that sports can break down barriers and bring people together.
Two hundred paragliding pilots meet annually for a difficult seven-day marathon in the sky. Watch the video to learn about the experience.
Writer Hana Schank analyzes the lack of women who play chess and argues that it’s important for females to participate in male-dominated fields.
In her experiment, psychologist Jessica Witt uses a visual trick to make golfers more successful. What else might we be able to improve by using these visual tricks?
Maya Gabeira is accustomed to overcoming obstacles. After a giant wave almost killed her, she came back to conquer the waves and the big-wave surfing industry.
Learn about how athletes in this extreme sport train and overcome their fear.
Journalist Tara Haelle examines data on the health risks of football and weighs the risks of playing at a young age.
As many athletes and fans know, sports can unify people who don’t have much in common otherwise. This article explains how Nelson Mandela used rugby and other sports to help unify the people of South Africa after years of racial segregation.
Research and varirous studies show that genes, psychology, and environmental factors all play a role in whether a person is a risk-taker.
Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to run the Boston Marathon with a bib number, paved the way for women in running. Click here to read about the historic run and learn how she combines sports and advocacy.
In this account of baseball history, read about black ball clubs’ interactions with white ball clubs and how the players fought for more equality on and off the field.
View this slideshow that describes 13 times fans protested sports leagues, owners, and umpires.
In this article, the writer explores the history and context of Native American team names and logos.
If a baseball pitcher on Team A intentionally hits a batter on Team B, is it acceptable for the pitcher on Team B later to retaliate by hitting an unrelated batter on Team A? Why? Or why not? This article examines the nature of revenge in baseball.
Using golden eagles to hunt is an ancient tradition in the Altai mountains of Mongolia. Meet Ashol-Pan, who might be the only girl learning this challenging skill.