Titanic’s 100th Anniversary: 6 Survivor Stories
Source: Biography, A&E Television Networks
The Titanic sank more than 100 years ago, but the tragedy lives on in our hearts and minds. Read about six people who survived the disaster.
The Titanic sank more than 100 years ago, but the tragedy lives on in our hearts and minds. Read about six people who survived the disaster.
Holocaust survivor Lily Ebert touched the lives of millions through her TikTok videos, which she used to educate people on her experiences during the Holocaust. Read about how her legacy continues to grow.
Did you know that Frankenstein’s castle is a real place? Not only that, but it throws Germany’s biggest Halloween party every year!
Thousands of people from all over come to tour the castle, dance, eat, compare costumes, and spend the spookiest night of the year in one of Europe’s spookiest locations!
St. George’s Guildhall, the oldest standing theatre in England, is a place where actors have gathered and preformed for centuries. Read about a recent discovery made there and its potential link to Shakespeare.
In October of 1774, the First Continental Congress met to discuss and write a petition to the King. Although the petition didn’t work as planned, the Congress set the stage for what would become the American Revolutionary War.
In honor of Hispanic Heritage month, learn more about these prominent Afro-Latino abolitionists and their fight for freedom across the Americas.
Hear the creative artists behind the Black Panther movies, including director and writer Ryan Coogler, discuss Afrofuturism and how it influenced their superhero films to create a world unlike anything seen on the big screen before—and how those films would go on to shatter box office records and start a discussion about an art movement many had never heard of before then.
What can a few small, lead spheres teach us about US History? If you’re an archeologist or historian, the answer is quite a lot!
The bronze, silver and gold medals won at this year’s Olympics are a unique piece of Paris itself – each is embedded with an original piece of iron from the Eiffel Tower.
During the Gilded Age, both Cornelius Vanderbilt and John Rockefeller amassed fortunes by focusing on what they knew best.