Brain Confidence: How Our Neurons Make Decisions
Source: Big Think
It might seem that careful thought about all of the options would drive our decision making. But researchers have found that confidence is a bigger driver.
It might seem that careful thought about all of the options would drive our decision making. But researchers have found that confidence is a bigger driver.
Watch a video of, and read about, the historic landing of the first ever robotic spacecraft on a comet.
Dr. Gary Greenberg uses high-quality microscopes to magnify and photograph grains of sand from beaches all over the world. Read this brief article to learn more. Make sure to click the link to view his spectacular images.
If an animal isn’t as fast or strong as its predators, then it has to be smarter to avoid being eaten. Find out about one adaptation that helps some animals outsmart the enemy.
Culture can help people to learn to share freely. Listen to this report comparing people in modern economies like those of the United States to hunter-gatherers.
Did you know about 6,909 distinct languages are spoken worldwide? However, some experts predict that half of current languages will be gone by 2100. So, what is the future of language? Are we headed toward a world where everyone speaks the same language?
Psychologist Ben Newell explains how previous experience affects risky decisions.
Something as simple as a window with a view of trees can help improve the recovery of hospital patients. This article explores how exposure to nature can help people suffering problems from ADD to cancer.
It is difficult to predict who will succeed at long-term tasks. In this talk, Angela Duckworth argues that a person’s persistence, or “grit,” is what will help them overcome challenges.
Robotics may seem to owe little to nature and everything to technology. But engineers have used the actions of social insects to guide the movements of robots that are not directly controlled by humans. Read this article to discover what robots can learn from ants.