Using nature’s genius in architecture
Source: TED
Humans can learn a lot from nature: In this TED talk, learn how architects are imitating natural processes and structures to create more efficient buildings.
Humans can learn a lot from nature: In this TED talk, learn how architects are imitating natural processes and structures to create more efficient buildings.
This NASA site provides an overview and links about ongoing work on the James Webb Space Telescope, expected to be able to view the universe’s early development starting in 2018.
In April 2013, Mars One launched its Astronaut Selection Program, taking the foundation one step closer to its eventual goal of establishing a human settlement on Mars. Explore the official Mars One site to learn more about the organization, its mission, and the risks and challenges involved in such a historic undertaking.
Though it may sound like science fiction, the use of “suspended animation” (emergency preservation and resuscitation) to help save human lives will begin in trial form in the very near future. Read the article and watch the short video that follows, in which Dr. Sam Tisherman answers frequently asked questions about the procedure.
In this article, technology and innovation researcher James Bessen discusses how the inventions of the Industrial Revolution may influence the innovations of today.
A shipwreck found off the coast of Haiti may be the Santa Maria, one of the three ships Christopher Columbus used to sail across the Atlantic in 1492. Learn about how the importance of the Santa Maria, and why one explorer thinks the wreck is Columbus’s long-lost ship.
Do you enjoy the feeling of being frightened? If you do, then you may be a fan of roller coasters. Learn about some of the scariest roller coasters in the world, and watch videos of what the rides are like.
In this opinion piece, Hugh Harris, former director of the NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center Public Affairs Office, shares his experiences and thoughts on the United States Space Program.
With advances in digital and microscopic imagery, a new film entitled “Mysteries of the Unseen World” is showing viewers everyday items from perspectives their eyes would never allow them to see. Watch this interview with Louie Schwartzberg, the film’s director, to learn more.
A couple arrested in Yemen have sparked a major Facebook campaign. Read this article to find out about this modern-day Romeo and Juliet.