Author Archives: admin

Computer Art Image of Eyeball Looking Through Prison Bars

Freedom of the Mind

When the body is imprisoned by captivity or injury, it’s essential for the mind to remain free. This BBC radio broadcast features the voices of people who survived lengthy captivity by keeping their minds active and hopeful.

Scientist experimenting with a water sample


“One sometimes finds what one is not looking for,” said Alexander Fleming, whose chance observation of a contaminated experiment led to the the world’s first antibiotic. This Smithsonian article discusses inventions and discoveries that centered on a flash of insight in a mind prepared to see what it wasn’t looking for.

teens arguing

Agreeing to Disagree

It may be easier to have a conversation with someone who already agrees with you, but it’s better for your brain to talk with—and listen to—someone who disagrees with you. In this article, Art Markman, Ph.D., a cognitive scientist at the University of Texas, discusses the practical applications of psychological research on disagreement.

Silhouette of group of people against globe

Destination America

What is it about the United States that convinces citizens of other nations to leave their homes and lives behind? Visit this site to explore the answers, along with the personal stories of immigrants from Guatemala, Iran, Tibet, the Soviet Union, Taiwan, and Mexico. While you’re there, be sure to browse the photo archives and genealogical resources.