Completing a marathon is a huge landmark for anyone, but even more so for Rachel Foster, who ran the Boston Marathon shortly after surviving a near-fatal accident.

Completing a marathon is a huge landmark for anyone, but even more so for Rachel Foster, who ran the Boston Marathon shortly after surviving a near-fatal accident.
Have you ever wondered how ancient Egyptian mummies remain so well preserved? Recently discovered jars may hold the answer.
Key dates and events are highlighted in this brief, informative overview of the American Civil War.
Many of Shakespeare’s works might be lost to us forever had they not been preserved in a collection of published manuscripts known as the First Folio.
Read about how 1776, a musical about the founding fathers, takes on a modern and thought-provoking twist through its most diverse cast to date.
Read about how an unlikely discovery and fate worked together to shed light on a Jewish family’s experiences during the Holocaust.
Celia Cruz, a Cuban American Salsa legend, continues to make her mark on American History.
Watch this video clip to learn more about these amazing female pilots and the enduring legacy of women in aviation.
Learn about drastic changes happening in tech companies and how it will impact hiring and day-to-day work.
We’ve all heard of the liberty bell, but check out this article to learn more about the history and significance behind this extraordinary historical artifact.
Learn about all about music producer Pete Rock’s incredible career and influence in the music industry.
Pigs are known for being highly intelligent animals, but this pig is known for her creativity, too.
Due to severe political and economic instability in Haiti, the Department of Homeland Security will allow thousands of Haitian immigrants to remain in the US for longer periods of time.
Read about how the experiences of a Holocaust refugee and a Syrian Civil War refugee are bridged by a university exhibit in Wales.
Everyone knows that dog is man’s best friend, but Casper is a friend and hero to sheep as well.
Meet Valya, a 17-year-old Ukrainian refugee who, after months of uncertainty, has finally been admitted into the UK.
Heroes can often come in unexpected forms. Read about how this musician’s act of courage prevented an accident from becoming a tragedy.
Read about how a teacher’s extraordinary love and courage left behind a legacy that continues to inspire and touch new generations.
Read about how these endangered sea lions are repopulating New Zealand in a big way.
Is history repeating itself? Read about the uncanny similarities and drastic differences between the Roaring Twenties and now.