The foods we literally consume at Thanksgiving are based not in history, but in consumerism itself.
Tag Archives: Culture & Society
Without the Right to Protest, America Is Doomed to Fail
The author of this opinion piece wants to remind those who call for an end to Black Lives Matter protests that the right to protest is crucial to the health of American democracy.
The surprising downsides of empathy
Empathy—the ability to understand the feelings of others—is an important aspect of emotional intelligence. However, the author of this piece suggests that empathy can have negative effects. Click the link to learn more.
How teachers are debunking some of the myths of Thanksgiving
Consider what you’ve learned about Thanksgiving over the years. How does it compare to what is said in this video?
‘There are no words’: As coronavirus kills Indigenous elders, endangered languages face extinction
Tapi Yawalapiti is one of the remaining two people who know the Yawalapiti language. He’s doing all he can to to ensure it’s not completely lost one day.
‘Speak up!’ — ‘Sesame Street’ tackles racism in TV special
Sesame Street is teaching children to stand up against racism in some of their newest episodes.
Horror Fans Cope Better with the Pandemic, Study Finds
Horror movies may have prepared some people for the pandemic in a variety of ways. Read the article to learn more about the possible benefits of horror movies.
Study reveals positive connection between nature experiences and happiness globally
Have you ever gone for a walk and felt your worries melt away? It turns out, you aren’t alone, and there is science that supports a positive correlation between nature and happiness.
How to be an ally to friends who’ve changed their pronouns
Everyone wants to feel accepted and respected. Read this article to learn how to be a better ally to friends who change their pronouns.
What Does The Future Look Like Post-Coronavirus – 9 Future Predictions
Bernard Marr, a futurist, offers his opinion on changes he expects to see in a post-COVID-19 world. Read the article to see if you agree with his insights.
What Thanksgiving means for Native Americans
While Thanksgiving can mean many different things to different people, it is important to acknowledge the truth of the holiday and not perpetuate historical inaccuracies.
Why the Black National Anthem is Lifting Every Voice to Sing
This song, endowed with its deep history of Black pride, speaks to the universal human condition.
First Encounters in the Americas
Consider the initial meeting of Arawaks and Europeans through a fresh, critical lens.
Civic Participation
Participating in society in ways like volunteering or voting provides some surprising health benefits.
How a History Textbook Would Describe 2020 So Far
How might students in the future learn about the pivotal year of 2020? Read one historian’s chapter, written when the year was only half over.
Racial Economic Inequality
A century and a half after emancipation, Black Americans face economic challenges that have only been exacerbated by a global pandemic.
English spelling campaigners enlist the help of Hamlet
William Shakespeare penned some of the most famous lines in the English language, which is exactly why spelling reformers are starting with Hamlet.
Coronavirus face masks: Why men are less likely to wear masks
Around the globe and regardless of politics, men are less likely than women to wear facial coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read about some of the reasons for this disparity.
‘We were shocked’: RAND study uncovers massive income shift to the top 1%
Are Americans living in a new gilded age? See what the numbers say.
I’ve been fighting for freedom for years; now, I do it as an American citizen
Click on this link to read about an Egyptian political activist’s experience becoming an American citizen and his ongoing fight for democratic ideals.