Sociologist G. Cristina Mora discusses her book about how the terms “Hispanic” and “Latino” emerged and how different commuities identify with them.

Sociologist G. Cristina Mora discusses her book about how the terms “Hispanic” and “Latino” emerged and how different commuities identify with them.
Sibyl Wilson, president of Michigan Parent Teacher Association, argues that the involvement of families is key to the success of schools.
The nonprofit group Common Sense Media has created a rating that labels television shows and movies as having “positive gender representations.” Read this article to find out why they created the label and what falls into the category.
Leaders of the United Nations point to a recent study that shows how hunger and conflict are linked and say that incresing food security can help bring peace.
A recent study suggests that teenagers can increase their sense of self-worth by voluntarily helping strangers, even with small, simple acts of kindness.
This article emphasizes the positive effects self-compassion can have on young people as they navigate the stresses of adolescence.
The interactive map at this link shows global immigration and emigration activity between 1990 and 2017.
Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to run the Boston Marathon with a bib number, paved the way for women in running. Click here to read about the historic run and learn how she combines sports and advocacy.
Music may bring people together, but how they experience it is individual. Watch the video for an explanation of how our cultural backgrounds influence the emotions music makes us feel.
The events of 1968 had long-lasting cultural and social effects. Scroll through the color-coded timeline, paying special attention to student movements (shown in red).
Click here to learn why eco-friendly isn’t always the best choice, and learn ways you can inspire real environmental change.
In this radio piece, author Kate Daloz discusses her childhood growing up in an off-the-grid geodesic dome and other “back to the land” communities of the 1960s and 1970s.
Linda Ryden, an elementary school teacher in Washington D.C., explains how teaching mindfulness has led to fewer fights and less bullying.
A study on the Tea Party’s 2009 “Tax Day” protest showed researchers that protests are effective, but not in the way one might think.
High-achievers from a variety of industries explain how learning to play music helped make them successful.
A course at Yale University examines the intersections of individuality, society, and technology.
The author of this article predicts several ways the millenial generation will change the world of business.
Ever wonder what using social media does to your brain? Read to learn what one team of researchers found when exploring this topic.
This article highlights recent research that suggests immigrants assimilate into American culture in different ways in different parts of the country.
Journalist Louis Theroux visits the owners of exotic pets to discover their appeal.