Have you ever looked at an electrical outlet and thought it looked like a face? Or looked at a cloud and seen a bunny rabbit? If so, you’ve experienced the phenomenon of pareidolia. But why does our mind create faces out of random shapes? Read this article to learn more.
Author Archives: wesleyb
How Retailers Are Using AI To Manipulate Consumer Shopping
Have you ever wondered why some products appear at the top or bottom of online shopping search pages? Or why some items appear twice? Or why you may see identical items with different prices? Artificial Intelligence is powering more and more online and it has a growing ability to influence consumer decisions—and to do so in ways the consumer is unaware of.
Are We Losing Too Much Sleep to Our Electronic Devices?
Did you know that most Americans sleep with some sort of electronic device in their rooms at night? Do you? Find out how this habit might be affecting your sleep.
Is the Loch Ness Monster a Giant Eel?
While scientists don’t believe there is a giant monster hiding out in Loch Ness, they are considering what creatures could live there based on DNA testing.
Scientists Think They Know What Causes Trypophobia
Trypophobia describes the fear of clusters of holes. While it’s not officially recognized, many are convinced they have it.
Ben Franklin in Paris: How the Founding Father Won France’s Support
As colonists faced tough odds in the Revolutionary War, America’s first diplomat worked his charm to win France’s vital backing.
The Visual Illusions that Reveal How Our Minds Work
Disney is known for creating magical effects on-screen, but did you know they also use tricks and deception in their theme parks, too? This article discusses a few of the ways Disney–and other theme parks and entertainment venues–use optical illusions to create magical effects in real life.
The “Lieber Code” – The First Modern Codification of the Laws of War
Have you ever heard of the Geneva Conventions? They are a series of treaties that define how many aspects of war are to be conducted–such as the taking of prisoners or treatment of civilians. But did you know the first modern attempt to write rules for warfare actually happened during the Civil War? They were written by Francis Lieber and issued in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln as instructions for what Union soldiers could–and couldn’t–do while waging war in the field.
Stanley Cups are Tearing Apart Middle Schools
What are the downsides when something becomes extremely trendy? What if there isn’t enough to go around, or the price is too high for many to afford it? Stanley cups are showing the real world costs of being both a “have” and a “have-not.”
Billie Eilish & Finneas, Ludwig Göransson and More Record-Setters at 2024 Oscars
When the Academy Awards were held on March 10, 2024, Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell set a record by becoming the youngest people ever to win two Academy Awards. That’s an impressive achievement, but it wasn’t the only record set that night. Read about other records in this article.
A new device let a man sense temperature with his prosthetic hand
Researchers in Italy and Switzerland have developed a new device that makes it possible for a person with an amputation to sense temperature through their prosthetic hand. The technology is a major step toward prosthetic limbs that could restore a full range of senses, improving both the prosthesis’s usefulness and its acceptance by those who wear them.
This Is Your Body on Fear
Your fear response starts in your brain but quickly spreads through your body—affecting your thinking, heart rate, breathing, muscles, digestion, and more. Fear is normal and helpful, but it can become anxiety if your fear response kicks in when no threat is present. Read this article to learn more about how fear works, how it differs from anxiety, and when fear may be negatively affecting your life.
Naming Apollo: Why NASA chooses Greek gods as names
In 2019, NASA announced that the agency’s efforts to return to the Moon would be named the Artemis program. The goddess Artemis was heavily associated with the moon, and she’s also the twin of Apollo, whose name graced NASA’s first lunar missions in the 1960s. But why does NASA choose mythological names in the first place?
Magician Breaks Down How Illusions Work
Magician David Kwong breaks down magic into what he calls the “7 Principles of Illusion” and explains what goes into the execution of a magic trick.
Beware: He does give some general spoilers for how some magic tricks are done.
‘Sephora kids’ and the booming business of beauty products for children
There is currently a surging trend in young preteen girls buying expensive make-up and other beauty products. Some older shoppers are complaining that they are rude and messy while doing it. Others think kids that young should not be be so obsessed with beauty products to begin with. Regardless, it shows a changing trend in who the consumers for these products are. Talk in your class about the trend and politely debate why this is a good or bad thing.
Failing early in your career can make you more successful in the future
“Describe a time when you failed,” is a common and tricky prompt that often comes up in job interviews — and for good reason.
According to a new study out of Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, your past experiences with failure could predict your career success in the long run.
People Are Increasingly Worried A.I. Will Make Daily Life Worse
Like it or not, artificial intelligence is here to stay–and it is making its way into every part of our lives. With self-driving cars using A.I. to make split-second steering decisions, A.I. helping to sort job and college applications, and companies using A.I, to sway customer behavior, a lot of people are growing fearful of the technology. People used to fear monsters in the darkness, but in modern times, some of our scariest monsters are lines of code in a machine.
These Chemists Cracked the Code to Long-Lasting Roman Concrete
Its formula long forgotten, the mystery of why Roman concrete remained strong over several millennia when more modern versions crumbled much faster has long baffled scientists and engineers. But now the secret of “self-healing” concrete has been rediscovered and it could lead to a construction revolution more than 2,000 years after it was first discovered.
10 Facts About Hera
How much do you know about Hera, one of the original Olympians, wife of Zeus, goddess of marriage and fertility, and fan of peacocks and cows? There’s a lot more to this goddess than most people think. Check this article out to learn 10 fun facts about Hera that most people probably aren’t familiar with.
8 Ways Highly Successful People Carry out Successful Plans
Whether it’s for a school assignment or a larger goal for your life, these tips can help you make the most of your time.