In almost 100 years, books by current and future authors will be given a voice through the Future Library.

In almost 100 years, books by current and future authors will be given a voice through the Future Library.
Nellie Bly risked injury and insanity to report on the horrible conditions of mental institutions in the late 1880s. Her undercover investigation led to public awareness and reform
Psychologist and author Guy Winch recommends focusing on an ex’s flaws and negative traits to get over a broken heart.
Across cultures and time, food has brought people together. View the galleries of images in this article to see people bonding over food.
In her thesis project, graduate student Hannah Rozenberg created an algorithm to measure how male or female physical spaces are and created architectural models of gender neutral spaces.
In Britain, a decades-long project has studied thousands of children to determine what leads to success later in life. Scientist and journalist Helen Pearson shares some of the lessons learned.
Researcher Conor Williams questions how to balance outdoor play with academic learning.
Psychology professor and police chaplain Brian Kinnaird argues for the inlucsion of comic book superheroes with the great classical heroes of mythology.
Activist Masih Alinejad has protested against wearing a hijab since she was a child. Click this link to learn about her online campaign to encourage Iranian women to resist the law that requires them to cover their hair in public.
Is the concept of race really nothing more than an invention of the human mind? This article about twins with different skin colors suggests that it is.
Constitution Day, observed every September 17th, is an occasion for citizenship ceremonies across the country. Watch a video about the ceremony and find out how students can participate.
Would you buy a virtual plot of land if it cost more than a plot of land in the real world? Read about the booming virtual real estate market.
Wikitongues aims to stop the loss of languages worldwide with its network of volunteers who film native speakers of dying languages.
Due to high rental rates and low salaries in the 1920s through the 1950s, black tenants in Harlem threw rent parties to help pay their rent. Langston Hughes collected cards advertising such events.
You don’t have to conquer Everest to enjoy nature. In fact, Everest may not be all it’s cracked up to be.
“A man, two donkeys, and precious cargo.” This is how many would describe Luis Soriano and his traveling donkey library.
After observing a mechanical “couple” that was created as an art installation, one viewer writes about how technology might affect the mystery and destiny of love. Watch the video embedded in the article to view how the two robots interact.
Journalist and author Alex Wagner talks about her memoir, Futureface, which examines multiple identities and inconsistencies in family stories in order to find out where she belongs.
Read about a woman who explores the world with Google Streetview, using the project as an artistic outlet and to raise awareness for agoraphobia.
Authors David Sturt and Tood Nurstrum discuss the contagious nature of positive behaviors and emotions, inlcuding how being appeciated by someone makes us want to show our appreciation for others.