Tag Archives: Opinion

Close-up of senior woman's hands

Anne Frank at 85: What would she have become had she lived?

This year, Anne Frank would have been 85 years old. Though her short life still reverberates through the world, it’s hard not to wonder what it would have been like if she had lived longer. This article looks at some of the ways Anne Frank affected the world around her, and offers some ideas about the woman she may have become.

Abraham Lincoln statue at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC

150 Years Later, Newspaper Retracts Gettysburg Address Diss

President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is one of the most influential speeches in our nation’s history. It’s hard to believe, but when it was first delivered in 1863, one newspaper wrote that the speech was nothing more than “silly remarks.” Now, more than 150 years later, the paper has apologized for its dismissive words.

Tree frog

Frog Fable Brought to Boil

We’ve all heard the analogy of the frog that allows itself to be boiled to death because it doesn’t notice the gradual change of temperature in the pot. People often cite this story to show the danger of overlooking a gradual change—but of course, it’s completely false. A noted science writer explains the truth.

Ama Dablam, Solo Khumbu, Himalaya, Nepal

Creativity in the Wild

Is it time to drop that controller, switch off that television, and head outdoors? This article reports the results of a scientific study of whether exposure to natural settings improves cognition. Perhaps the American Romantics were right about the effects of nature on imagination and thought. Read to find out.