When you decide to buy something, are you sure it’s a good choice? Watch Dan Ariely explain how we may not be as in control of our own decisions as we think.

When you decide to buy something, are you sure it’s a good choice? Watch Dan Ariely explain how we may not be as in control of our own decisions as we think.
The First Amendment protects, among other rights, the freedom of speech. In this opinion piece, UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh delves into what the Founders meant by the term “speech.”
Look 10,000 years into the past, and you’ll see humans beginning to cultivate the earliest agricultural crops. What changes would a look 10,000 years into the future reveal? For Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos, the distant future will include a functioning clock, being built now in the desert of West Texas.
Through this quick animation, discover why breaking up your work will make you more productive. Be sure to try out some of the tips for yourself!
Pow wows are events in which Native Americans can express their cultural heritage through dance and foster a sense of community. Traditional pow wows have been around for hundreds of years, but a newer kind of intertribal event has become popular recently. Read about how the two forms coexist in today’s pow wow culture.
Using golden eagles to hunt is an ancient tradition in the Altai mountains of Mongolia. Meet Ashol-Pan, who might be the only girl learning this challenging skill.
A recycled cardboard box for Christmas? Ad agencies created this gift which they say will stimulate creativity but also help raise funds for two charitable causes. Read about it here.
Anthropologist T.M. Luhrmann analyzes the independence and interdependence displayed in different cultures.
Activist Ja’Mal Green raises funds for nonprofit Majostee Allstars, which is converting an old bank building in the Aubrun Gresham neighborhood of Chicago into a community center.
Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck discusses the latest version of her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, in which she futher explains the concept of growth mindset.
This article points out that members of the millennial generation face a number of challenges as they adjust to life as adults in “the real world.”
Click this link to read and hear about some of the experiences Americans have had when questioned about their cultural backgrounds and identities.
The bubonic plague ravaged the European population in the 14th century. In its aftermath, societal structures were upended, in many cases for the better.
A psychology professor tries to get to the bottom of why we do good things for others, even when these acts don’t seem to benefit us directly.
You might be surprised to learn that computer programs are used to help determine the length of a prison sentence. The question is whether that’s a good idea.
Do you have any pets in your family? Excluding chewing of furniture…do you ever get a sense of the benefits a pet like a dog can bring to your family’s health and well being? Bonding with pets can promote emotional, physical and social benefits.
Scenes of colorful leaves dropping to the ground typically signify Fall. But, not to everyone. To the Chinese, Fall (or Autumn) represents the color white among other connotations.
The seed for the Edible Schoolyard Project was sown 20 years ago at Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School in Berkeley, California! The concept is that the garden is an interactive classroom. Read this article from the ESY about collecting seeds in the Fall.
In Puerto Rico, a foundation that was originally set up to generate tourism and business has changed its mission to focus on aid relief in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. The aim is to rebuild homes, communities, and livelihoods for Puerto Ricans.
What are your thoughts on living in a constantly plugged-in world with a digital device always close to hand? What are the benefits and drawbacks?