Believe it or not, fear actually alters the way we perceive things!

Believe it or not, fear actually alters the way we perceive things!
We all know nutrition is important for our well-being, but this article explains why it’s especially important for teenagers to maintain a balanced, healthy diet.
Marsupial babies develop in the not-terribly-sanitary environment of the mother’s pouch. To protect their young from infection, the milk of marsupials such as the Tasmanian devil has powerful antibiotic properties—properties that may help humans.
Do you think you will you be happier as an adult than you were as a child? This article provides some interesting food for thought.
When disaster strikes, many of us want to help as quickly as we can! We personally load boxes full of clothes, blankets, medicine, and even teddy bears, and then we ship them off to organizations helping survivors. Are there better ways for us to help? Read this article about things to do—and not to do—to truly help out after a disaster.
Though the Emancipation Proclamation freed countless slaves, it failed to put into place any measures to assist them in their lives after slavery. Read about the untold obstacles to freedom these people faced.
Research has shown that the bond between parents and children affects brain development. This story gives a brief overview of this ongoing research and tells how the lack of a parental bond has impacted the life of one man who was adopted at the age of 11.
Follow this timeline to learn about Louis Pasteur, who developed the process of pasteurization and several early vaccines. His “germ theory” led other scientists to discoveries in sanitation and sterilization.
Dr. Samuel Mudd, who treated John Wilkes Booth after he assassinated President Lincoln and was convicted for conspiring with him, was sent to prison at Fort Jefferson on an island in the Gulf of Mexico. He is credited with saving dozens of lives from an outbreak of yellow fever on the island.
A college professor outlines the major ways humans respond to environmental and cultural change.
In mid October two Chinese astronauts set off into Space to begin a 30-day stay at the Tiangong II space station. Keeping an eye on the condition of the station is a companion satellite with a 25 megapixel camera.
A sense of belonging plays a major role in a person’s well-being. This article discusses the work of social psychologist Gregory Walton, who believes that people can benefit from sharing their stories about overcoming feelings of isolation.
Exposure therapy requires a lot of time and achieves mixed results in overcoming phobias. Now, researchers have discovered an astonishingly quick and effective method.
It may seem strange, but giving your muscles a good workout can actually contribute to keeping your eyesight strong as well!
Even in a war zone, a hospital is supposed to be a safe place; but the lives of doctors and the patients they work to save are increasingly at risk.
Read about the psychopathic traits that help individuals succeed.
Parents do not understand the risks teens take. Scientists say that because the brain is changing and maturing into adulthood, teen brains cause adolescents to behave differently.
Sleep researchers found that when you try to sleep in a new place, half of your brain stays alert to danger. Find out why poor sleep in strange surroundings is due to fear.
How might a vegan’s eating habits affect muscle and bone strength? Find out what some famous sporting vegans have to say on the subject.
Leptospirosis, a disease spread by rats that arrived in America on explorer’s ships, may have been what killed many of the original inhabitants and opened up the land.