Many factors influence what Americans eat. Look at the infographic about food deserts to learn about one of these factors.

Many factors influence what Americans eat. Look at the infographic about food deserts to learn about one of these factors.
Watch the video to see how augmented reality can be used to help kids with cancer.
A decades-long study shows how children handle conflict early in life affects their health as adults.
The American Psychological Association states that overcoming life’s obstacles requires resilience. Building up that trait is often a personal journey. This guide offers tips and advice to do so.
Even if you’re not part of the 3 percent of the population considered to have iatrophobia—the fear of doctors—you may get nervous thinking about your annual checkup. Here are some ways to manage that fear.
Seventh-grader Gitanjali Rao created a lead-in-water detection tool in response to the Flint water crisis. Watch the videos to learn more about her invention.
Reducing or eliminating meat consumption reduces our toll on Earth’s resources. Read about how people are searching for meat-free and sustainable food options.
Revenge is sweet, the saying goes. But in fact, research shows that seeking revenge is likely only to make things worse.
Shakespeare’s writing style can be challenging to read. Not only did he write four centuries ago, but he also played with language, coining new words, rearranging syntax, and using words as different parts of speech. Now, researchers have discovered that this last feature—using a noun like child as a verb instead, for example—excites the human brain because it is so unexpected.
If you really want to remember something, you take a picture of it. But a new study reveals that using that strategy may actually work against you: people remember more details about something if they don’t take a picture of it. NPR digs into the details and the implications.
Fear is a basic human response, but scientists still don’t completely understand it. Read about their efforts, using scans of blood flow in the brain, to further comprehend this complex reaction.
Migraine headaches can be frightening as well as painful. While there is no cure for them, scientists are finding new ways to manage them.
Most people would agree that learning another language has benefits. But this article highlights why people who are bilingual are more cognitively advantaged than those who speak just one language.
In her experiment, psychologist Jessica Witt uses a visual trick to make golfers more successful. What else might we be able to improve by using these visual tricks?
Read this article to learn about several visual artists who continue to create works of art after suffering vision loss.
Studies suggest that the majority of visitors to national parks and other public natural spaces in our country are white. This article examines that trend and looks at ways to encourage people of more diverse ethnic backgrounds to enjoy the great outdoors.
Find out how a group of immigrants from all over the world are working to overcome the obstacles that would prevent them from contributing meaningfully to their new home.
Food industries did not always have the best interests of their consumers in mind. This is especially the case with “embalmed milk,” a tainted dairy product.
How important to our well-being are our relationships with others? Read to learn about a 2017 study that suggests there are benefits to having close friendships as a teenager.
Even though you know that what you’re seeing onscreen isn’t real, your brain can react to a horror movie as though it is.