Among the more well-known male writers and artists of the Harlem Renaissance existed women who also deserve to be recognized. Read about three writers whose work reflected being both black and female.
Tag Archives: Arts & Entertainment
The Orchestra Playing for Peace
The World Orchestra for Peace brings together the best musicians from around the world to play in the spirit of peace and unity, even if that means the musicians are from warring countries. Learn about this remarkable group, and watch a video of its performance in Jerusalem.
In Search of Shakespeare: Timeline
Shakespeare is possibly the most famous playwright of all time, but much of his life is shrouded in mystery. Explore the timeline of events that shaped Shakespeare’s world. Then, explore the “In Search of Shakespeare” site to learn more about the man and his works.
Indian Country Diaries: Pow Wow Culture
Pow wows are events in which Native Americans can express their cultural heritage through dance and foster a sense of community. Traditional pow wows have been around for hundreds of years, but a newer kind of intertribal event has become popular recently. Read about how the two forms coexist in today’s pow wow culture.
Patience Agbabi: Chaucer remixed
Poet Patience Agbabi re-writes Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales with characters from modern-day England.
The newest story from Mark Twain
In 2011, a scholar in California discovered the manuscript of an unfinished children’s story written by Mark Twain, the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Read to find out how two award-winning authors undertook the daunting task of completing the work of one of the giants of American literature.
7 Nightmarish Reads
Interested in reading some creepy stories? Check out this list of seven recommendations from the School Library Journal.
Manga ‘Macbeth’, graphic novel ‘Romeo’, it’s Shakespeare for 21st century readers
Find out about some unexpected recent adaptations of Shakespeare’s works.
Strange Worlds: Miniature Condiment Landscapes
Nothing is quite what it appears to be! At least that’s the case in the photograph’s of Matthew Albanese.
Romeo and Juliet’s balcony scene
Despite the popularity of the balcony scene in popular imagination, Shakespeare never mentions a balcony in any of his works. Find out why this idea persists.
American history unfolds in ‘Assassin’s Creed 3’
Game-makers researched the events and settings of the 1700s to immerse players in the history of the American Revolution, the setting of Assassin’s Creed 3.
Mind Ablaze
Critic Jayne Anne Phillips outlines Stephen Crane’s life as she reviews Stephen Crane: A Life of Fire, a 2014 biography of the American author written by Paul Sorrentino.
5 wild risks taken by top entrepreneurs
These risks taken by famous business leaders led to big rewards.
Anne Frank to have official comic adaption; animated film coming soon
In September 2017, a new comic book version of Anne Frank’s story hit the shelves. This version is different than other Anne Frank comic books and graphic novels because it has been officially endorsed by the Anne Frank Foundation. Read this article for more details.
Horror movies tap into a primal fear instinct in your brain
Click this link to learn about “neurocinematics,” an area of research that investigates the connection between the mind and the experience of watching movies.
Spoken Without Words: Poetry with ASL SLAM
Learn about how people can express themselves on stage without ever saying a word out loud.
20 Writing Tips from Fiction Authors
What makes for a great story? Find out from the pros.
Wonder Women have been smashing the patriarchy since classical times
English literature lecturer Roberta Magnani draws comparisons between comic book heroine Wonder Woman and characters from mythology and classical literature.
Immigration In Esports: Do Gamers Count As Athletes?
This article examines how immigration policy and gaming meet.
Tired of war, South Sudanese youth turn to art to push for peace
Ana Taban, a group of artists in South Sudan, promotes a peaceful resolution to the conflict in its country. Click the link at the bottom of the article to view a photo essay of the organization’s members.