Tag Archives: Arts & Entertainment

Close-up of senior woman's hands

Anne Frank at 85: What would she have become had she lived?

This year, Anne Frank would have been 85 years old. Though her short life still reverberates through the world, it’s hard not to wonder what it would have been like if she had lived longer. This article looks at some of the ways Anne Frank affected the world around her, and offers some ideas about the woman she may have become.

Frankenstein walking through open gate

Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature

This site offers a wide variety of information related to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Starting with “The Birth of Frankenstein,” use the table of contents on the left side of the page to browse topics ranging from historical and scientific background information to the story’s modern influences on film, culture, and research.

Close-up of wet blades of grass

Revising Himself: Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass

This companion website to a 2005 Library of Congress exhibit provides glimpses of the items that were displayed as well as background information on Whitman’s life, career, and legacy. Take a look at the “Leaves of Grass” section to learn more about the history surrounding one of America’s most influential books of poetry.

Singing girl reading sheet music

A Jazzed-Up Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes made his voice heard by writing poetry about the African American experience. One of those poems has become the core of a multimedia jazz performance, helping young people hear Hughes’s voice in a new way. Read about the performance, watch a video clip, and see pictures from a rehearsal.